UFOs, Aliens, and the Antichrist

CONTENTS on this Page:
JESUS Said the Rapture will happen in
ALIENS: Jesus said this will happen just before
THE CHANGE: Aliens say they're Coming!
How to Stop Alien Abductions & UFOs!
President Eisenhower's Treaty with Aliens
My Theory about "in Earth"
Steve Quayle & Doug Hagmann
My UFO Encounter
My Other UFO Experience
My Near-Abductions
Aliens hate the name "Jesus"
Alien Abductions are Generational
Aliens and the Antichrist
The "Change":An Upcoming Event!
Obama Hints that he's the Antichrist
A 6-Fingered President
Transforming into Satan or a Demon
Recommended Reading
Alien abductions have produced Human-Alien Hybrids
✝️ JESUS Said the Rapture Will Happen in MONTHS!
ALIENS: Jesus said this will happen right before the Rapture! (Happening now!)
🛸👽 THE "CHANGE" EVENT: Aliens tell Abductees they are Coming! What you need to know!
How to Stop Alien Abductions & UFO Stalkings!
President Eisenhower's Treaty with Aliens
For decades I heard about a Peace Treaty that President Eisenhower made with Aliens. It was said that he met with Aliens and agreed that they could abduct a limited number of humans for examination in exchange for advanced technology, but then it ended up going haywire, in that masses of humans were being abducted. Here is an interview with President Ike's great granddaughter, Laura Eisenhower, confirming he made a Treaty with Aliens in 1954 for natural resources, elements, compounds, and God knows what else.
My Theory about “in Earth”
Regarding Mandela Effect changes in The Lord’s Prayer where it says “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in Earth as it is in heaven”, (you will find it on the bottom of THIS page) have you wondered why changing that little two-letter word from “on Earth” to “in Earth” might be significant?
That change makes me think of aliens/extraterrestrials which I have researched for decades. I believe they are demonic entities associated with the Fallen Angels referenced in the Bible (Genesis 6) and the Apocryphas, i.e., Secrets of Enoch in The Forgotten Books of Eden, and The Books of Enoch. I think grey aliens are biological androids or clones, something of that nature, that were created with the DNA of Fallen Angels to serve them, because Fallen Angels are bound in chains under darkness. (Jude 1:6)
That may be why grey aliens have been creating human-alien hybrids for the past estimated 60+ years. They have perfected the process. If you think that sounds inconceivable, read the books by Dr. David M. Jacobs, a leading authority on alien abductions. Subscribe to L.A. Marzulli on Youtube who is an authority on this subject, and he’s a Christian. He makes many videos weekly that address aliens, Nephilim, Fallen Angels, as well as other supernatural events.
I also recommend reading, Raechel’s Eyes: The Strange but True Case of a Human-Alien Hybrid. Another good book is, Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience and The Interrupted Journey: Two Lost Hours Aboard a Flying Saucer about Betty and Barney Hill's abduction. Regarding cloning, check out In his Image: The Cloning of a Man by David Rorvik (1978). These are extremely informative books that I have in my library.
Now human-alien hybrids walk among us, which is the fulfillment of Bible prophecy regarding the Nephilim being on Earth in the End Times. Read books by Dr. David M. Jacobs on this subject, especially, Walking Among Us: The Alien Plan to Control Humanity, and The Threat: The Secret Agenda What the Aliens Really Want and How They Plan to Get It.
Jesus said the End Times, Last Days, would be as it was in the Days of Noah (Matthew 24:37). (Not the End of the World, but the End of the World as we know it.) In Noah’s time, the Earth became corrupt when Fallen Angels took Earthly women as their wives and had children with them, creating a species of giant hybrids known as the Nephilim. (Genesis 6)
“Now when men began to multiply on the face of the Earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God [Angels] saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they took as wives whomever they chose.” Genesis 6:1
“The Nephilim were on the Earth in those days—and afterward as well—when the sons of God [Angels] had relations with the daughters of men. And they bore them children who became the mighty men of old, men of renown."
“Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great upon the Earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was altogether evil all the time. And the Lord regretted that He had made man on the Earth, and He was grieved in His heart. So the Lord said, ‘I will blot out man, whom I have created, from the face of the Earth—every man and beast and crawling creature and bird of the air—for I am grieved that I have made them.’” Genesis 6:4-7
The story continues in Genesis 6-9 where God finds favor with Noah. More importantly, his lineage had not been corrupted by the Nephilim. God had the patriarch build an ark that saved his family and animals from the great flood that destroyed mankind.
The knowledge that corrupted mankind in the Days of Noah came from Fallen Angels. I have heard from many reliable sources that the same is happening today through inter-dimensional beings that are communicating with certain individuals on Earth. There are those who claim our advanced technology is derived from demonic forces in other dimensions.
It’s not as far-fetched as one might think. On a much lesser scale, in The Day After Roswell, U.S. Army Colonel Philip J. Corso claims a secret government program allowed private industry to reverse engineer alien artifacts that led the way for modern technology. However, I believe Corso's disclosure is only the tip of the iceberg. It is my opinion that far greater secrets of advanced technology have been revealed to people in high places, for example the Large Hadron Collider at CERN and to those who invented D-Wave Quantum Computers.
On a grander scale, Dr. Geordie Rose, in 2013, while giving a speech introducing the abilities of D-Wave to access Parallel Universes, he remarked that standing next to a quantum computer feels like standing next to “an alter to an alien god”.
In June 2017, at a presentation about his AI company Kindred, Dr. Rose compared the coming of Artificial Intelligence to the concept of super-intelligent aliens announcing their landing on Earth in the near future, describing them as indifferent to us, regarding us in ways that we do ants, and that our total destruction as a species could be eminent if we do not pay attention (paraphrased). The Terminator movie comes to mind.
Some believe AI will usher in the Image of the Beast under the rule of the Antichrist during the Great Tribulation as foretold in Revelation 13 of the Bible that will begin after the Rapture of the church. (Prophecies in the Book of Revelation are unfolding before our eyes.) According to prophecy in the Holy Scriptures, the Rapture or harpazo, the snatching away of Believers into the clouds with Jesus is due to happen at any moment. (Refer to 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2.)
After the Rapture, many believe (me included) the explanation given to those Left Behind will be that aliens have removed Christians from Earth, because we are a hindrance to society.
The Antichrist (Barack Obama) cannot make himself known as the World Leader until after the removal of God’s church (the Rapture). Once the followers of Christ are gone from the Earth, the Antichrist will control the entire world through the Mark of the Beast system. A Mark on the right hand or forehead will be required of every person, rich and poor, great and small, to buy and sell but at the cost of losing one’s soul to Satan. Once the Mark is taken by a person, there is no return. Those who receive the Mark will be condemned to the eternal Lake of Fire. (Revelation 13) It is my belief that we are on the brink of that happening.
Getting back to the subject, I have often wondered if aliens live in the Earth, and I tend to think so. There is plenty of evidence indicating they live in another dimension, but I also believe their home is located in the inner earth. If they are affiliated with the Fallen Angels (and I’m sure that they are), that’s where the Fallen Angels might be bound in darkness until the final judgement.
Aliens have large black eyes, which I believe is so they can see in the dark within the inner earth where the Fallen Angels are bound in chains. Grey aliens are their workers. That’s what I fully believe.
There have been UFO/USO (Unidentified Flying Objects/Unidentified Submerged Objects) sightings for decades, witnessed by Naval officers and other Navy personnel on ships, who observed them coming and going in and out of the ocean. If I'm right and they live inside our planet, perhaps the ocean is their doorway into middle Earth.
Regarding my theory, if I’m right about “in Earth” referencing the dwelling place of Fallen Angels, that could be a clue as to the author of the Mandela Effect changes in the Bible, which I fully believe is Satan working through evil forces on this Earth. Just a thought.
Steve Quayle & Doug Hagmann
Steve Quayle is an expert in the field of Fallen Angels, Nephilim, Aliens, Alien Abductions, End Times Bible prophecy and much more. I watch his videos whenever I find them. Periodically, he's on The Hagmann Report with Doug Hagmann. In these videos, he talks about Alien abductions, Fallen Angels, and Demons, which are the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim. In Ep. 4390 below, he warns about A.I. and plays a video about a Demon that communicated with a boy through A.I. He confirms many things that I talk about on these subjects. Visit: SteveQuayle.com
My UFO Encounter
At around 8:45 PM on September 14, 2018, I saw what I thought was a very large flickering star that was very far off in the sky and to the north. It looked round, but it was fuzzy, because I wasn’t wearing my glasses. When I realized it was much too large to be a star, I ran in the house and got my eye glasses. When I came back outside, to my surprise, the object was headed directly towards me.
Within moments it got very close, what I estimate to be no more than 10 stories high. As it moved through sparse clouds above me, I could see it fully through the breaks in the clouds. It was triangular, silver in color, but the tips of the triangle were rounded, not sharp. There were 3 large round white lights on the vehicle, one near each end. Once it got low near me, it drifted slowly across the sky and made absolutely no noise.
I walked a short distance down the sidewalk until I was almost directly under it as it passed by. I live in a small town near Fort Worth, Texas, which is about 14 miles from the Naval Base in Fort Worth.
It looked like an alien craft, but I wondered if it might have been back-engineered. Still, the most compelling evidence that it was alien is that the UFO came directly at me after I spotted it very far off in the night sky. If aliens occupied it, I believe they picked up my thoughts telepathically and came to me after I spotted them. However, there was no interaction, because I’m a Christian protected by Jesus Christ, and they would have discovered that when they came near me.
It was a sight to behold. I filed a report online with MUFON right after I saw it. It looked very similar to the illustration above, but it was a silver color.
Click on the Image above to hear a noise similar to what I heard, except it was deeper and much, much louder!
My Other UFO Experience
The first encounter I had with what I call a UFO was very strange. It happened sometime between 1966-1968 during the daytime. My younger brother and I were in the foyer of our beautiful 100-year-old, two-story home. Suddenly, an extremely loud noise vibrated the entire house. It shook everything! It was a loud pulsating noise. I’ve never heard anything like that sound, nor as loud. I KNEW it was a UFO over our house! I stood frozen as did my younger brother. By the time we ran out the front door, it was gone.
My brother and I never spoke of it until several months ago. He suddenly brought up the matter, insisting he had heard a UFO directly over our house. I told him I remembered it very well too.
I've tried to find a similar sound to what we heard to show you. The closest I found is in the video above, except the noise we heard was much deeper and much, much louder than the example in the video. Listen to the video above to hear it. (Turn the volume on your speaker to 'high'.)

My Near-Abduction Experiences
When I was a very small child (3-5 years old), I began experiencing strange episodes as I drifted off to asleep. I remember the first one quite vividly. Shortly after I fell asleep, I heard a terrible buzzing sound and became paralyzed. The lights were off and my eyes were closed, but I saw them clearly with my second sight. Four entities surrounded me, two on each side of my bed. They appeared as dark figures of what I now know were four Grey aliens. Due to me having the gift of discernment, I knew that they were Demons! They terrified me, and I woke up. (No one had ever spoken to me about Demons, and I never overheard anyone talk about such things. My spirit just knew instinctively.)
I have a very strong mind. I cannot be hypnotized. I love God and Jesus, and I have a very close personal relationship with Them. Even before I got Saved as a teenager, I had a love for God. I believe my strong mind plus my love of God is why I was able to break free of my earliest episodes of near abductions. God has always protected me from evil.
After that first encounter as a small child, periodically l had episodes where I would hear the horrible buzzing noise and become paralyzed. With a struggle, I would always break free and wake up.
Other times, I had nightmares, but they weren’t normal nightmares. (This is difficult to describe.) While asleep, it felt as if I was being chased by a Monster somewhere high up in the sky. I never knew what the Monster looked like, just that one was chasing me. I felt myself run and run to get away from it, but there was actually no “dream” per say. I went through all the feelings of a Monster chasing me, but I didn’t actually see anything. Then suddenly, I would wake up in the dream and find myself in some unfamiliar location. (I believe I was spirit traveling.) In one episode, after I got away from the Monster, suddenly I found myself hiding in an alley in a downtown area at night near a movie theater. I knew the Monster was somewhere in the sky, but I never saw it. Then I woke up for real and went to my mother’s room to sleep with her, which I did whenever I had these types of nightmares. I believe these nightmares were attempted abductions.

Aliens Hate the Name of "Jesus"!
After I got Saved, whenever I had the episodes of hearing the buzzing sound and paralysis, I would think or verbally say “Jesus”! Instantly, I broke free! I still had no idea what these episodes were.
Thinking or saying "Jesus" during an attempted alien abduction stops it immediately. Demonic aliens cannot stay when the name of the Lord is spoken or transmitted telepathically. The entities vanish instantly!
Over the years, I have heard second-hand testimonies about some individuals who worked for the U.S. Military in secret underground government facilities that housed aliens. Before they were introduced to those work environments, they were given direct orders to never say or even think the name of "Jesus" when around aliens!
For me, personally, I figured this out many years before I heard other accounts. Back in the 1990's, on Art Bell's Message Board when it existed, I posted that invoking the name of "Jesus" stopped alien abductions, but back then, no one believed me. Today's it's become somewhat common knowledge, but I don't know how well known it is.
The fact that Demonic aliens cannot stay when the name "Jesus" is spoken supports the Holy Scriptures that foretell the Rapture of Believers in Christ must be removed from the Earth before the Antichrist can make himself known to the world. It's very possible that aliens will make their presence known to mankind after the Rapture! (I believe it will happen.) They will say humans are their descendants, but that is a lie that many will believe due to a "powerful delusion" that God will send. (See below.)
"The coming of the lawless one [the Antichrist] will be accompanied by the working of Satan, with every kind of power, sign, and false wonder, and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie, in order that judgment may come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness." 2Thessalonians 2:10-12

Alien Abductions are Generational
It is well known that Alien Abductions are generational. Meaning, if they happened to you, they most likely happened to at least one of your parents, your grandparents, and will happen to your children.
Around 1983, when my first son was about 6 years old, he had to stay with my mother for several months due to me having health problems. I needed my mother’s help taking care of my children, but I didn't get to live with her, so I made weekly visits.
During one of the visits, my son told me at night he would hear a horrible buzzing noise and that he couldn’t move. These episodes really frightened him. He said once he had a dream that some doctors in white coats examined him in a room while he was on a silver metal table. (Years later, when I became familiar with this subject, I realized this was most likely an alien abduction masked with a false memory.)
After that he had frequent nose bleeds. I had to take him to the Emergency Ward 2 or 3 times, because the bleeding would not stop. Years later, I read accounts where abductees often had nose bleeds from what they attributed to having a chip or some kind of tracking device inserted in their nose. Some also said, the devices were dislodged and fell out due to the nose bleeds. I believe that's what might have happened with my son, because at some point, the nose bleeds stopped completely.
When I told my little boy about my own episodes of hearing the awful humming sound and paralysis, that was the first time I had told anyone about it. In fact, I never mentioned it again for many years. I said I didn’t know what caused the episodes, but I told my son to think or say the name of “Jesus” and it would stop.
The episodes of hearing the buzzing noise and being paralyzed finally stopped sometime either in my late 20’s or 30’s, but I can’t remember exactly when. Nevertheless, I was never abducted, never had any missing time, etc. The Greys’ attempts to abduct me all failed. (However, at least 2 of my 3 sons have had experiences that I believe were abductions.)
Going back to my childhood… On the matter of aliens and UFOs, I first learned about them when I was around 10 (I think around 1963). My mother was in the kitchen talking about a news story, Betty and Barney Hill, how they had been abducted by aliens…and how their abduction story came out under hypnotherapy.
After hearing that, I was always curious about UFOs. When I learned about Project Blue Book at the age of 12 or 13, I sent off for a form just to see what questions it asked.
When I was around 13, my mother took me to some weekly self-hypnosis classes. She was attending for herself, because she suffered from insomnia, which I hadn't been aware of, but I overheard her talking about it one day. During those session, I could never be hypnotized. (Years later, in an unrelated conversation, my father mentioned that he could never be hypnotized, so I'm sure I got that genetically from him.)
During one of the hypnosis classes, to my surprise, the doctor chose my mother for a demonstration. He hypnotized her while she was standing, and she instantly went under. The doctor caught her as she collapsed into a hypnotic sleep state.
Later I asked my mother how she could be hypnotized so easily. She told me, she had undergone several sessions of hypnotherapy when she was a young woman, but when I asked her why, she would not tell me. Even years later, she wouldn't tell me.
My mother also had two miscarriages. I believe she may have been an abductee herself due to her interest in the Hill abductions, perhaps due to her “miscarriages”, due to her having severe insomnia, and possibly her reason for getting hypnotherapy, but she passed away before I knew about these things, so I never got to ask.

Aliens and The Antichrist
The "Change": An Upcoming Event!
I have read several books by Dr. David M. Jacobs. In Walking Among Us: The Alien Plan to Control Humanity, Dr. Jacobs talks about an upcoming event that abductees are told about by the Grey Aliens referred to as the “CHANGE”. It's an upcoming event that will happen on Earth. I believe that's when they will make themselves known to humanity.
Obama campaigned on “CHANGE”! I believe Obama’s “Change” is the same as the Demonic Grey Aliens’ “Change”! I think they are one-in-the-same event that will happen, most likely after the Rapture. I could be wrong, but I don't believe Christians will be here for it.
As I have said before, Barack Obama is the Antichrist. If you doubt it, watch my videos on the End Times Bible Prophecy page HERE for evidence. I have made several videos showing how Obama fulfills Bible Prophecy describing the Antichrist. Obama is Joe Biden's Puppet Master, serving his 3rd Term as President from behind the scenes while living in his mansion that's 2 miles from the White House. Joe is Obama's "Front Man". My videos on the End Time Bible Prophecy page show the evidence. Watch the two videos below on the Antichrist, but find more on the End Times Bible Prophecy page.
Ever since Obama was elected President, thousands of people have had dreams that he is the Antichrist, including countless African Americans. Many videos revealing Obama as the Antichrist have been purged from the Internet, but many still exist on Youtube and more are added as they happen.
CLICK ME to see my new 6-Part Video Series

Obama Hints that He's the Antichrist
As we have seen, evil powerful rich figures who are obsessed with ruling the world love to brag, such as Klaus Schwab. Obama cannot say outright that he is the Antichrist, but I believe he has left us some clues.
The photo above was posted on the White House Twitter account on May 3, 2014. Note that it has Obama holding a crown. He sits on a throne from the Game of Thrones TV series. On the coffee table there is a bow.
I believe this photo is a hint in reference to the prophetic End-Times scripture in the Book of Revelation 6:1-2 that says:
"Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals; and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, “Come and see.” And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer."
Obama serving his 1st, 2nd, and now a 3rd Term through Joe Biden, has certainly conquered many, i.e., Iraq, Libya, etc., and now, America is being decimated by the corrupt Biden Administration.

A 6-Fingered President
Next we have Obama's portrait. In the painting, he's depicted as having six (6) fingers. Notice the smallest finger is tucked under the other ones. Why would Obama have a portrait depicting himself with six fingers?
The Nephilim in the Old Testament had 6 fingers and 6 toes. Nephilim were the Hybrid offspring of Fallen Angels who procreated with Human Women. Is Obama a Nephilim? Some Christians who are experts in this field believe so. Even if Obama isn't a Nephilim, he associates himself with them. That's why he has 6 fingers in the painting.
Here are a few Bible verses about the Nephilim.
"There were giants [Nephilim] on the earth in those days [Days of Noah before the Great Flood], and also afterward, when the sons of God [Fallen Angels] came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them [Nephilim]. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown." Genesis 6:4
"Yet again there was war at Gath, where there was a man of great stature [Nephilim], who had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot, twenty-four in number; and he also was born to the giant." 2 Samuel 21:20
"And there was again war at Gath, where there was a man of great stature, who had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot, twenty-four in number, and he also was descended from the giants [Nephilim]. And when he taunted Israel, Jonathan the son of Shimea, David’s brother, struck him down. These were descended from the giants in Gath, and they fell by the hand of David and by the hand of his servants." 1 Chronicles 20:6-8
"And there we saw the Nephilim (the sons of Anak, who come from the Nephilim), and we seemed to ourselves like grasshoppers, and so we seemed to them.” Numbers 13:33
Years ago when I read through the books in the Old Testament that were about the Hebrews who wandered through the desert for 40 years, I didn't understand why God had them wage wars on cities where they were ordered to kill every living creature. It wasn't until years later that I learned those cities were occupied by Nephilim. That's why God had them destroyed.
Jesus said, when He returns in the 2nd Coming, it will be as it was in the Days of Noah! I believe the Human-Alien Hybrids created by the Grey Aliens are a big part of that.
I believe Obama's 6-fingered painting is a hint that will tie-in with the coming Alien "Change", the disclosure of today's Nephilim, the Human-Alien Hybrids that will be revealed after the Rapture!

Transforming into Satan or a Demon!
Another hint was given at the 2016 White House Correspondence dinner. In a video, Obama transforms into Satan or a Demon as depicted in the screen shot above. The audience thought it was funny, but I think it was Obama flaunting his true nature to a clueless audience!