The Mandela Effect - Pt 1
I want to thank all of those in the Mandela Effect Community for sharing their stories, their experiences, their research, their videos, blogs, Websites, etc., dedicated to bringing this mind-boggling quantum phenomenon to light. We are a family of brave warriors seeking the truth in a world full of lies. God bless you.
PART 1 - This page contains:
Whistleblower Testimony that
the Mandela Effect is real!
My Mandela Effect World
The Mandela Effect (M.E.)
What Caused the M.E.?
Dr. Astrid Reveals Secrets about
CERN and the Mandela Effect!
My M.E. Youtube Playlist
A Survey by Dr. Reicher
Max Loughan's Theory:
CERN Destroyed our Universe
An Eyewitness Account of CERN destroying our Universe!
Was my original Universe destroyed?
Opening Portals to Parallel Universes in Tennessee
D-Wave Quantum Computers
My Theory: A View of Parallel Worlds
My Theory on Continual Shifting
My Theory on a
Common Denominator
What is the Agenda behind the M.E.?
The following opinions and views are my own based on my personal experiences with references made to information that I have researched. I intend no harm or discourse towards anyone when referencing others in my statements.
Photographs/images used with or without alterations in no way suggests the original owners endorse me or my work. Additionally, quotes, references, and links to other sources in no way suggests their endorsement of my work.
Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. (Additional pages included.)
Whistleblower: Testimony that the Mandela Effect is real!
My Mandela Effect World
There is no other way of saying it. I’m living in the real-life version of The Twilight Zone. I would like to share my own personal encounters in support of the Mandela Effect Community, and if others happen to benefit from the information along the way, that will be an added plus. I have no interest in engaging with naysayers. Those who aren’t experiencing the phenomenon cannot and do not understand what it’s about regardless of the volume of testimonies attesting to it happening or how much credible residual evidence is presented.
To jump right in, at this point in time, I have seen three different versions of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination. I’m referring to the Zapruder film and other clips showing his death, including reenactments in movies such as Oliver Stone’s JFK starring Kevin Costner.
Many historical events, current events, and other matters have changed for me on numerous occasions. People have changed as well. I’m not crazy or delusional, neither am I alone in my experiences. This is really happening to me and countless others.
I will explain in some detail what I have and still am experiencing. When I say I have shifted Realities, I am referring to changing Timelines, Worldlines, Parallel Universes, shifting from my original world to Alternate Realities. These terms basically mean the same thing. Whatever Parallel Universe I was born into, I am not on that Timeline now. I have shifted Realities several times, and the shifts seem to happen in waves.
When I speak of Residue, I am referring to evidence that supports my memories, evidence that coincides with what I and many others recall. I believe Residue is proof that the Mandela Effect is a man-made phenomenon. Residual evidence represents mistakes, leftovers or remnants from our original Worldlines that have been transferred here, just like those of us experiencing the M.E., but it doesn’t belong here, and neither do we.
God did not cause the Mandela Effect. I believe people in high places playing God are to blame. The Tower of Babel has been resurrected at CERN and through D-Wave Computers.
The Mandela Effect
The Mandela Effect is a phenomenon whereby people’s memories about current and historical events, places, music, movies, art, people, countries, the solar system, and a plethora of other things are different from whatever Reality we are in now. These changes not only occur in the here and now but since the beginning of whatever we are talking about.
The term, MANDELA EFFECT (M.E.), was coined by paranormal researcher Fiona Broome in 2009 upon discovering this seemingly supernatural phenomenon. She and many others had vivid memories of Nelson Mandela dying in prison during the 1980’s. Some even recalled details of his televised funeral. However, on this Worldline, Mandela was released from prison in 1990 and didn’t die until 2013. That’s how this supernatural event earned the name Mandela Effect, but it’s just a term.
The phenomenon is related to quantum physics. A better name would have been the QUANTUM EFFECT.
I’ve heard some M.E. deniers who are Christians, accuse Broome of having sinister motives for bringing the phenomenon to light, but as a Christian myself, I say those accusations are nonsense. Broome merely brought the unbelievable, yet true, supernatural events to the forefront, and thank goodness she did.
Many people not experiencing the phenomenon who write about it mistakenly refer to those of us Mandela Effected as “misremembering”, having “false” memories or “confabulating”. Nevertheless, that is not the case. Those of us experiencing the M.E. are sure about what we remember.
In my opinion, the naysayers fall into one of these categories: 1) They are not aware of the changes, 2) They see changes but can’t handle it, so they are in denial, 3) They don’t see any changes, because this is their original Timeline, 4) They know the changes are happening but deny them because of a conspiratorial agenda.
“The Mandela Effect is like a crime scene we stumbled upon, and we wanna know what happened. I research these changes to piece back together the puzzle. And that puzzle is our memories of the past.” ~Hazel Fiver on Youtube.
What Caused the M.E.

​“Large Hadron Collider Tunnel at CERN”
"We are 'Happy' at CERN"
Professor Ellis appears at 2:31 minutes into the video.
I believe those of us in the M.E. community have been transferred to Alternate Realities, Parallel Universes. Many blame the cause of the M.E. on experiments with the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a particle accelerator at CERN, located beneath the France–Switzerland border near Geneva. CERN is the European Organization for Nuclear Research that operates the world’s largest particle physics laboratory.
In the video above entitled, “We are ‘Happy’ at CERN”, whether true or not, it appears as if one theoretical physicist cryptically takes credit for the M.E. In the video, Professor John R. Ellis, wearing a black t-shirt that has an equation on it, sits at his desk that is covered with stacks of paper. His left hand holds up a handwritten sign that says, “We are HAPPY @ CERN”, while his right hand gives a thumbs up. Professor Ellis appears at 2:31 minutes in the video. (You can also see him in the video below.)
On the front of his chest there are two signs fastened by strings around his neck. A white sign with the word “BOND #1” has been interpreted by many viewers as referring to the first James Bond movie starring actor Barry NELSON, hence the reference to “Nelson”. The second orange sign says “MANDELA”. Nelson + Mandela = Mandela Effect. Many believe that’s what CERN is happy about. Of course, this is all just speculation, but the video clip of the Professor is compelling.
What's even more compelling is the video below where Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger reveals secrets about CERN related to the Mandela Effect! On July 5, 2022, when Maria Zeee tells her that CERN is firing up the Large Hadron Collider, Dr. Stuckelberger replies, "If I disappear in another Timeline...!" And she said CERN is "trying to change Time"! Watch the video below.
Dr. Astrid Reveals Secrets about
CERN and the Mandela Effect!
Correction to my video: CERN is the Modern-Day Tower of Babel!

Recreation of Prof. Ellis' message in the CERN video (Coded Message on the M.E.?)
"My Mandela Effect World"
I've made many videos about my personal experiences and theories on the M.E. that are published on my Youtube Channel. I will be sharing many of those videos here on my Website pages dedicated to the M.E. Click on the image below to visit my Youtube PLAYLIST.
A Survey by Dr. Reicher
Dr. Blair Reicher, PhD., an Independent Investigator and M.E. Researcher, surveyed over 25,000 M.E. respondents. The results proved we are NOT misremembering, because we share the same memories. Watch his detailed video below entitled, “Mandela Effect Report- 25K responses- Ruling out memory as the cause”. His detaled article, research, and survey entitled, "Exploring the Mandela & Toto Effect - Topic Introduction", can be seen HERE.
Most important part starts at 4:52 minutes
Max Loughan's Theory:
CERN Destroyed our Universe!
As a teen, Max Loughan, a theoretical physicist and inventor, explained in a video why he believes experiments with CERN’s particle accelerator destroyed our original Earth and Universe, thereby transferring those of us experiencing the M.E. to a “Parallel Universe”. Max, born in 2002, made the video below when he was 13.
Eyewitnesses to CERN destroying the Earth
Let's suppose this story told by the mother and son (referenced in the video above) is true, and their earth was destroyed due to CERN experiments. (This isn't the first time I've heard about people remembering CERN destroyed our World!) There are multiple Universes, and those people were transferred to this Worldline when it happened. That would mean the catastrophic event would also most likely happen on Parallel Worldlines that were nearby to that one. It would not necessarily happen at the exact same time. It could have happened before or after the event the mother and son experienced. If I'm correct, that would account for why many people experiencing the ME have somewhat different memories and why different waves of people become aware of the M.E. at different imes.
We don't all have the exact same memories of our history. Some people's ME memories are exactly the same as mine, some are variations, but not exact. So if several Worldlines/Parallel Universes that were nearby were destroyed by CERN experiments, then some or all of the people on those planet Earths were sucked in by Worldlines that were nearby. That could account for what's happened to us, why we have variations in memories, and why the ME didn't hit us all at the exact same time. Just a theory. The big question is...What happened to the 'other' versions of ourselves that were already on this planet when we were sucked into their bodies? I have no idea!

“Was my original Universe destroyed?”
Max Loughan’s theory of our Universe being destroyed may not be so far-fetched.
This article goes into great detail about potential dangers at CERN and is worth reading: The Large Hadron Collider and the Statue at CERN
In March 2008, Walter Wagner, a physicist from UC Berkeley, and Luis Sancho, a Spanish journalist, filed a federal lawsuit in the U.S. District Court of Hawaii in an effort to shut down the LHC over concerns that it could destroy the world. Details are in this March 29, 2008 article entitled, “Asking a Judge to Save the World, and Maybe a Whole Lot More”.
Over the course of three years, the lawsuit was rejected and dismissed by judges for legal reasons, in that the U.S. government has no jurisdiction over CERN or the LHC. Although the lawsuit never made headway, it brings concerns to light.
Professor Stephen Hawking (1942-2018), a theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author, believed in “multiple universes”, a “multiverse”.
A Theory on How a CERN Accident
In 2014, in the foreword of the book Starmus: 50 Years of Man in Space, Professor Hawking warned that the God particle, otherwise known as the Higgs boson particle discovered at CERN in 2012, could destroy the Universe. Details of his theoretical statement can be found in the Daily Mail which featured an article entitled, “Finding the ‘God’ particle could destroy the universe, warns Stephen Hawking” available HERE.
Dr. Michio Kaku, world-renowned physicist and best-selling author, goes into great detail about Alternate Universes, the string theory, multidimensional space, and much more in his book, Parallel Worlds: A Journey through creation, higher dimensions, and the future of the cosmos.

A D-Wave computer inside of the Pleiades supercomputer
D-Wave Quantum Computers
Some in the M.E. community suspect that D-Wave quantum computers caused the phenomenon that has corrupted our Worldlines. It may be that both CERN and D-Wave are responsible for the Mandela Effect, but at this point, we can only guess.
Reportedly, one of the goals involving D-Wave Quantum Computers is to connect with Parallel Universes. Which begs the question, has it been accomplished? Experts have spoken about it publicly.
“Quantum computation...will be the first technology that allows useful tasks to be performed in collaboration between parallel universes,” a quote from David Deutsch’s, The Fabric of Reality: The Science of Parallel Universes--and Its Implications (1997). Deutsch is a Visiting Professor of physics at the Centre for Quantum Computation at Oxford University, also regarded as the founding father of quantum computing. The quote is from “Chapter 9: Quantum Computers”.
At an Ideacity Conference in 2013, Dr. Geordie Rose, Co-founder of D-Wave Systems Inc., said he believes the power of quantum computing can exploit Parallel Universes to solve problems. Google and NASA were among their first clientele. Rose spoke of D-Wave’s ability to multiply access to Parallel Universes on an exponential level, and where they overlap, they could pull their resources back into ours (paraphrased). What could possibly go wrong? The entrepreneur said standing next to a quantum computer feels like standing next to “an altar to an alien god”. The Tower of Babel comes to mind. Watch the video below entitled “Geordie Rose | Quantum Computing: Artificial Intelligence Is Here”.
At a presentation in June 2017, Dr. Rose, as CEO of Kindred AI Systems, said he thinks it’s funny that there’s a “gigantic conspiracy” on the Internet where the idea of D-Wave tapping into Parallel Universes has been “hijacked” to describe the Mandela Effect where people claim the past changes, saying quantum computers and CERN are responsible. However, it’s notable that Dr. Rose never denied the accusation.
To hear his remarks, watch Dr. Rose’s presentation in the video below (at 2:27 minutes) published on July 12, 2017 entitled, “Geordie Rose of Kindred AI presents Super-intelligent Aliens Are Coming to Earth”.
Speaking of "Conspiracies", everything Alex Jones warned us about has and is coming true! So call me a Conspiracy Theorist. I take it as a compliment for critical thinking!

2019: Scientists Attempting to
Open Portal to Parallel Universe
In Tennessee

“Ryan Cropper’s Illustration of Parallel Earths
seen during Astral Projection”
MY THEORY: A View of Parallel Worlds
In the video below published on May 28, 2016, Ryan Cropper recounts what he saw when astral traveling outside of his body. Ryan gave me permission to share the illustration above from his video. During the experience, while hovering above our planet, he observed Parallel Earths. In the video below entitled, “Flat Earth Theory? What ‘I SAW’ Whilst Astral Projecting”, Ryan described what he discovered in outer space.
He was “suddenly beamed straight up above the Earth”. When he remembered someone’s suggestion to make a video about whether or not the Earth was flat or round, he decided to “venture around the edge of the Earth”. While doing so, he saw that the Earth is a globe.
“But what I saw next, yeah, I saw another Earth! It looked exactly like ours and existed real close to ours. Okay. Not only did I see one Earth, I saw another two. And then I decided to count the amount of Earths that I saw, and all in all, I saw eight Earths.
“If you can imagine a cube, each corner of the cube harboring another Earth. And then I saw this blue energy merge off of the Earths into the other ones. As if each parallel Earth or copy of itself were merging into each other. And then as I looked further away from the Earths that were closest together, I saw another Earth off into the distance. And then another one further off into the distance. So now what I’m looking at is parallel Earths, literally in front of me, that are further and further away. And the ones that were closest together, it’s as if their realities were merging together, and that is why I was experiencing parallel versions of my life whilst I was astral projecting. So not only did I see the Earth being round, but I also saw other parallel Earths that also exist within other points of space.” (Quoted with permission.)
The part where Ryan says, “I saw this blue energy merge off of the Earths into the other ones. As if each Parallel Earth or copy of itself were merging into each other,” I believe this is evidence that Worldlines close to ours have all been corrupted, merging into each other. That would also explain why there is Residue from our original Timeline(s) that supports our memories. If my theory is correct, it happened due to experiments gone awry by scientists at CERN (perhaps just as Max Loughan suggested with his theory that our original Universe was destroyed).
This would explain why those of us experiencing the Mandela Effect sometimes have varying details on what we remember differently. Many of us remember about 70-80% of an event the same, but 20-30% of the details differ. Since experiencing the M.E. and hearing accounts from others, I believe we are from several Parallel Universes. Whatever scientists did to cause the Quantum Effect, it corrupted all of the Worldlines near ours (possibly causing a ripple effect that affected all Parallel Universes like a rock thrown on a pond of water), and Ryan’s view of eight merging Parallel Earths supports my hypothesis.
My Theory on Continual Shifting
Based on my own experiences of continually shifting Realities, and from others who claim to have the same problem, I have a theory about why it keeps happening. I liken it to this analogy. Once a person has a seizure or a stroke, they are susceptible to having more.
For whatever man-made reason, those of us experiencing the M.E. were shifted or thrown onto Parallel Worldlines. (I must point out that it's our Souls that are shifting, not our physical bodies. I will get into that more in another part of this series.) After those of us affected made the first jump, we became unstable and therefore became susceptible to shifting due to our instability, just like a person who has a seizure or a stroke. I believe that’s why we continue to experience jumps or shifts in our Reality.
That might be why we see flip-flops if we jump back and forth between Parallel Worldlines. It’s just a theory, but it could be true. Watch my video above.
My Theory on a Common Denominator
When I became aware of the M.E., I searched and researched for a common denominator between those of us experiencing the phenomenon but to no avail. I posted several surveys in M.E. groups on social media, but I could never find any common factor between us.
Then I thought about Max Loughan’s theory, that he believes our original Worldline was destroyed by experiments at CERN, transferring some or all of us to nearby Parallel Universes.
If he’s correct, and those of us experiencing the M.E. were transferred to Alternate Worldlines, then perhaps the common denominator between us is that it wasn’t our time to die! Even though the phenomenon is man-made, God has ultimate control. Maybe God saved those of us experiencing the Quantum Effect by transferring our spirits to Parallel Universes.
It could also be that some people on our original Earth did actually die, except those of us who were thrown onto Alternate Timelines. It’s just a theory, but it could be true.
One thing I learned from my surveys, those of us experiencing the M.E. are from several Worldlines, not just one. So, whatever the mad scientists did to cause this phenomenon, they not only corrupted or destroyed our Timeline, but it affected all of the Worldlines nearby like a ripple effect, which is indicated in Ryan Cropper's view of Parallel Worldlines when he Astral Traveled. Watch my video above for details.

The Soul
If Max Loughan's theory is right and my Universe was destroyed (which I believe is the case), the Soul cannot be destroyed. It is energy, and energy cannot be destroyed. When the body dies, the Soul passes on to another dimension, the Afterlife, and is assigned to spend Eternity in either Heaven or Hell.
But if scientists blew up my original Earth/Universe, and it wasn't time for most of the occupants to die, then God transferred our souls to Alternate Universes. I believe this is what happened.
Our bodies did not transfer to Parallel Timelines, only our souls transferred. This is evident, because our physical bodies have changed. Many individuals experiencing the Mandela Effect have reported alterations to their physiques including changes in locations of birthmarks, scars, moles, and other things. In addition, there are also differences in the locations of the heart, changes in the skull, and other parts of the human anatomy in this Alternate Reality. I address these issues in one of my videos.
Many people experiencing the M.E. have come to believe in God or have returned to God. As traumatizing as the phenomenon is, literally turning our worlds upside down, the silver lining for those of us Mandela Effected is that we get to experience the supernatural, and God is supernatural!
What is the Agenda behind the M.E.?
A theory. This is just one possibility but it makes sense to me. Why is the Mandela Effect happening? It’s the BIGGEST event in 2,000 years, so why isn’t it headline news? Is the Media Blackout part of a cover-up for a conspiracy? If I’m right, the Quantum Effect is man-made, and the perpetrators have an agenda.
A limited group of very rich and powerful people control our nation, the mainstream media, and the world. Their tentacles run far and wide. I believe they are manipulating our Worldlines supernaturally, playing God with CERN and D-Wave trying to steer the course of our country in a certain direction. That’s why there’s a media blackout about the M.E. Otherwise, it would be major news. Their agenda has become clear now more than ever before in my lifetime.
Perhaps they deliberately altered an event in the past, such as JFK’s assassination, which then had a ripple effect and altered our present time to get our world on course for their agenda. Those of us experiencing the quantum phenomenon could be collateral damage. I liken it to the 2004 movie, The Butterfly Effect.
What is the agenda behind the cause of the Mandela Effect? Events in the U.S.A. didn’t go as planned when someone threw a wrench into the spokes of their wheels in the 2016 Presidential Election. However, they’re back on course, and their plans have been fast-tracked making up for lost time.
Satan and the Antichrist are behind this agenda. Everything that’s happening has been foretold in Bible Prophecy, the only prophecy that is 100% correct. If you want to know how it ends, read the Book of Revelation in the Bible.