The Mandela Effect Pt 6

PART 6- This page contains:
Breaking Discovery: CERN
and the Mandela Effect!
Miscellaneous M.E.s
Shiva at CERN
This isn't my Timeline! It's
an Upside-Down Clown World!
Publisher's Clearinghouse
Body Changes
The Eye Sockets in the Skull
The Heart
The North Pole
52 States
Skunks have 2 Stripes!
The Thinker
Dilemna or Dilemma?
Residue of a Yellow Sun
Bananas Grow Upside Down!
Queen: We Are the Champions
Richard Simmons' Headband
The Monopoly Man
Fruit of the Loom Cornucopia
Breaking Discovery: CERN & The Mandela Effect!
Miscellaneous M.E.s
Shiva at CERN

Shiva statue at CERN
In 2004, India presented CERN with a large Hindu statue of Nataraja, their god Shiva, performing a dance of creation and destruction. The bronze statue is on display in a square at the home of the Large Hadron Collider that many attribute as the cause of the Mandela Effect.
Some folks, including myself, remember this Shiva as being a goddess having six arms. Needless to say, the statue has changed due to the quantum phenomenon. It is now Lord Shiva, a male deity with four arms instead of six.
We aren’t the only ones who remember Shiva differently. Residue can be found in the 1973 movie, The Golden Voyage of Sinbad, where a Shiva statue comes to life to do battle with Sinbad. In a movie Trailer on the IMDB Website, she is described as, “The six-armed goddess of evil”. Watch it HERE.
In an episode of The Simpsons there is an animated scene with a statue of the six-arm dancing goddess dressed in female attire.
Watch Hazel Fiver’s Youtube video below to see a compilation of residual evidence entitled “Shiva Statue Mandela Effect”.

Ed McMahon
Publisher's Clearinghouse
I grew up watching Ed McMahon on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson and on TV as the spokesman for Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes, but on this Worldline, it never happened. On this Timeline, McMahon presented sweepstakes for American Family Publishers since 1993, but I had never heard of that sweepstake. There is Residue to support my claims.
On May 23, 1991, Johnny Carson made an appearance on Late Night with Dave Letterman show. He brought an oversized check with him, which he did not reveal to the audience until he had a comical exchange with Letterman. In the segment, Carson jokingly informs Letterman that he’s the winner of one-million dollars, but that Ed McMahon could not be there to present it to him. They joke about it, then Carson turns over the giant check where it has printed across the top, “Publishers Clearing House”. Watch the video clip below entitled, “Johnny Carson, Publishers Clearing House, Letterman”.
There’s also a monologue that Carson did in 1984 where he mentions McMahon and the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes.
On August 28, 1985, Season 4, Episode 16, in a monologue by Dave Letterman, he made a joke about Publishers Clearing House conducting a poll asking people why they didn’t enter the sweepstakes, citing the number one reason as they didn’t want to meet Ed McMahon. Watch the video below on the left.
There are more references to Ed McMahon and Publishers Clearing House, not only in monologues by Carson and Letterman, but also in The Golden Girls. In season 2, episode 2, Rose answers the phone saying she’s the winner of Pubishers Clearing House, and Ed McMahon wants to see her.
In the 3rd paragraph of Chapter 33 in the book Just Before Dark by Jack MacLane, there is a sentence that references Ed McMahon with the “Publisher’s Clearing House sweepstakes” and a million dollars. View the image of the excerpt below.
I know there is a lot more Residue out there as I have seen it.
Dave Letterman: Watch at 2:45 minutes
Excerpt from "Just Before Dark" by Jack MacLane

Finger Art: “Ooh no, our knuckles are BIG again!”
Body Changes
Many of us experiencing the Mandela Effect have noticed changes to our bodies that would otherwise be impossible. I have seen videos where people commented on their faces changing slightly. Others notice scars or moles have changed position from one area of their body to another or disappeared entirely.
My knuckles were always enlarged from cracking them while growing up, so much that I could never put on or remove my rings without using soap and water. Even then it was a struggle. Then overnight my knuckles changed to normal, and I could slip my rings on and off easily. About three years later, in February 2021, they changed back. Now my knuckles are large again, so I can’t take off my rings without using soapy water.
These body changes happen when we shift to Alternate Realities. This is a very important factor in the quantum phenomenon, because it indicates that only our Souls are transferred to Parallel Worldlines. When we Shift, we occupy new bodies that look like our old ones, except they have small differences. I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true.

The Eye Sockets
in the Skull
To support the idea that only our Souls transfer from one Worldline to another when Shifting Realities, there are major differences in our bodies that we all share. These changes have been noted by those in the medical field who are experiencing the Quantum Effect. One example is the eye sockets in the human skull. On my original Worldline, the eye sockets on a skull were hollow, but on this Worldline, the back of the eye sockets are covered with bone.

The position of the heart
The Heart
In my world, the heart was located on the left side of the chest. In elementary school, that’s why we placed our right hand over the left side of our chest while reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Diagrams in school also showed the heart located on the left side of the body.
In an Alternate Worldline, due to the quantum phenomenon, the location of the heart changed to the center of the chest, which I researched in order to be sure. I even included a diagram of the heart being in the center in one of my M.E. videos on Youtube. Others had made similar videos pointing it out.
However, a few months later, the position of the heart changed yet again. Now it is located in the middle of the chest but just slightly to the left.
The diagram above shows the heart in the center of the chest. I believe this might be considered Residue as other diagrams show it slightly to the left. I’m not the only one who noticed the second change. Some others in the M.E. community have pointed it out as well.
The video above by Hazel Fiver entitled, “Human Heart On The Left Side Of Chest - Reader’s Digest Book Of Facts”, has an excellent pieces of Residue showing the heart on the left side.

Where does Santa live now?
The North Pole
My Worldline had a frozen land mass at the North Pole, but in this world, it doesn’t exist. Now there is only a vast ocean on the northernmost point on the globe. Would someone please tell me where Santa lives?

52 States
Many years ago, in elementary school, I was taught there were 52 states. Hawaii and Alaska were the last two added to the U.S.A. However, on this Timeline there are only 50 states. Puerto Rico and Washington D.C. are not counted as states in this America, but they were in mine. Many other people experiencing the M.E. remember being taught the same in school as what I learned.
In the video below, this man's father remembers 52 states, Ross Perot as a President in the past, and many other twists in the history of America that are different from this Timeline and mine!

A Skunk in Florida
Skunks have 2 Stripes!
At my age, I have seen many skunks over several decades, everything from animated cartoons with Pepé Le Pew, to films, videos, and photographs of the critters. I have seen them in person on the side of the road, as road kill, in zoos, and even one that wandered onto my patio about a year ago. Prior to the Mandela Effect, they were black furry animals with a single white stripe running down their backs.
Now, due to the M.E., skunks have two white stripes running down their backs. There are many examples of animals (and insects) that have either changed or are new to the Animal Kingdom according to those of us experiencing the M.E. But I am not an expert on animals, so I’m only listing one example that I am absolutely positive about.

The Thinker at the Rodin Museum in Paris, France
The Thinker
I have seen photographs of The Thinker sculpture many times during my lifetime. I remember the thinking man having his right elbow placed on his thigh and his forehead resting on his fisted hand.
That is no longer the case. The Thinker has changed at least three times due to the M.E. Now his chin rests on the back of his fingers on his relaxed open hand. He also wears a hat, whereas before he wore nothing on his head.
There is Residue. One example is a photograph of George Bernard Shaw posing nude as The Thinker taken in 1906, which depicts the pose with his forehead resting upon his clenched fist, just as remembered by those of us experiencing the Mandela Effect.
The strangest Residue is a wealth of photographs taken by tourists posing next to The Thinker with their foreheads resting on their fisted hands, while the statue itself shows the thinking man resting his chin on top of his open hand.
Didn’t the tourists look at the pose of the sculpture before positioning themselves for the photos? Or perhaps they remembered the sculpture as I do and deliberately posed in that position to make a point about the Mandela Effect.
Here's a very good article by Nathaniel Hébert who goes into detail about it entitled, "The Thinker — or how the 'Mandela Effect' gave him second and third thoughts," dated May 11, 2018.

Dilemna or Dilemma?
As a writer, I’m also a very good speller. The word has always been spelled “dilemna” until the Mandela Effect. Now it’s spelled with an “mm” instead of an “mn”. That is my dilemma!

Residue of a Yellow Sun
On my original Worldline there was a yellow sun, but on this Timeline, it's white. A few months ago, I watched a movie called Earthbound released in 2012. About 50 seconds into the movie, the narrator says, “Earth is a blue planet with a yellow sun” while showing a view from space of the Earth and the yellow sun. That’s what we call Residue.
I'm not into astronomy, so I'm no expert on the stars, but one thing I know about is the moon, because I see it when I look up at night. The crescent moon has changed due to the M.E. On my Original Timeline, it looked like the image below on the left. But now it looks like a bowl, the image on the right. I miss my World.

Bananas Grow Upside Down!
Maybe for you, bananas have always grown upside down, but to me, it’s a Mandela Effect. In my world, bananas grew hanging down, not up. It’s an upside-down world that I’m living in! (The picture on the left has been photoshopped to show you how bananas grew on my Worldline. The picture on the right is from this Timeline.)

Queen: We are the Champions
Lyrics to songs have also changed, but I’m not including those in this research with the exception of one example, We Are the Champions by Queen (1977). The song always concluded with, “We are the champions…of the world!”, but on this Timeline, the lyrics “of the world” no longer concludes the song.
Freddy Mercury

Richard Simmons' Headband
Richard Simmons is best known as a flamboyant physical fitness personality and instructor, most famous for The Richard Simmons Show. He became a celebrity during the 1980's, best known for losing 100+ pounds and helping others to get fit. On my original Timeline, part of his trademark was wearing colorful exercising attire and a headband. However, surprisingly, on this Worldline he's never been known for wearing a headband. Many others remember him wearing one as I do. This is definitely an M.E.

The Monopoly Man
I’ve played the Monopoly game countless times throughout my lifetime, ever since I was a little girl. I know the Monopoly man wore a monocle, but he doesn’t have one in this Worldline.
The video below has residual evidence in a Youtube video by Child of Light entitled, “RESIDUAL PROOF MONOPOLY GUY HAD A MONOCLE, MANDELA EFFECT”.
The Residue below is from Raisehell on Youtube entitled, “Mandela Effect Monopoly Guy Monocle residue”.
Fruit of the Loom Cornucopia

I’ve purchased Fruit of the Loom clothing numerous times over the decades. The tags with the logo always showed an image of fruit falling from a cornucopia. Nevertheless, in this Worldline, there has never been a cornucopia in the logo. I’m not the only person who remembers it differently.
Fruit of the Loom Tag

The image to the left is from a TikTok video by @dimelifting where she says "Claire" found one of her Fruit of the Loom shirts that still has the cornucopia. This is Residue showing that our memories are correct.
Real Photo of a Fruit of the Loom shirt with the Cornucopia as we remember it.