The Mandela Effect - Pt 4
Changes in History II
PART 4- This page contains:
O.J. Simpson
Pentagon on 9/11/01
One World Trade Tower
WTC Buildings Lost on 9/11
Tank Man
Extinct Mongolia
The History of Television
Manned-Moon Landings
Was it a Hoax?

Orenthal James Simpson
O.J. Simpson
Orenthal James Simpson’s ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman were brutally murdered on June 12, 1994. When the police were going to arrest O.J., he fled in his white Ford Bronco.
The televised chase on my original Timeline happened as follows: On June 17, 1994, O.J. drove his white Ford Bronco down the freeway in an attempt to escape being arrested, but he didn’t get far. A swarm of police followed behind him for 90 minutes, broadcast live on TV news, watched by an estimated 95 million viewers.
While driving, O.J. called his friend, Al Cowlings on his cell phone. Cowlings became the mediator between O.J. and the police. He convinced O.J. to return home where he was arrested. That’s what happened on my Worldline, but history has changed due to the M.E.
In this Alternate Reality, here’s a video of how it went down: The white getaway Bronco was owned and driven by Al Cowlings, not O.J. While driving, Cowlings called 911 on his cell phone. He said O.J. was in the back seat with a gun threatening suicide.
A swarm of police followed on the freeway at a slow pace, same as before.
Cowlings ended up driving O.J. home where he surrendered to police after one hour. Cowlings was also charged with harboring a fugitive, arrested, and released on a $250,000 bond.

The Gloves

Recreation of O.J. trying on the gloves.
On my original Worldline, during the trial, O.J. attempted to try on the gloves retrieved at the murder scene. He wore latex gloves so as not to contaminate the evidence with his DNA. However, he could only get the first glove halfway onto his hand, so he didn’t bother trying on the second glove. Many viewers assumed the leather glove wouldn’t go on due to the latex. In addition to the difficulty putting the gloves on over latex, many believed they had shrunk due to having previously been wet from blood.
Everybody remembers what Johnnie Cochran said. “If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit!” Right? That was the noted excuse for O.J.’s acquittal.
You’re not going to believe what happened on this Timeline due to the Mandela Effect. THE GLOVES FIT! O.J. put both gloves on his hands, albeit with a dramatized struggle. Watch the video below.
In the video footage from the trial, even O.J. was surprised. But here’s the clincher. Johnnie Cochran still said, “If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit!” That statement doesn’t even make sense now, because the gloves did fit! It’s total nonsense, just like many other M.E. changes.
On October 3, 1995, a jury found O.J. not guilty of all charges.

Video below of Johnnie Cochran on O.J. (at 1:41 minutes): "...like the defining moment in this trial. The day Mr. Dardin asked Mr. Simpson to try on those gloves, and the gloves didn't fit. Remember these words, If it doesn't fit, you must acquit!"

The Pentagon on 9/11/01
This is a major and shocking Mandela Effect! On my original Worldline, ZERO people died at the Pentagon on 9/11/01, because the portion of the building destroyed was empty due to remodeling. Many others remember this besides me.
Sadly, on this Timeline, that wasn’t the case, and 125 people died at the Pentagon on September 11, 2001: 70 were civilians, 55 were in the U.S. Armed forces.
One World Trade Tower
On my original Timeline, after the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center (WTC) attacks, no new towers were built in remembrance of the deceased. The location of the Twin Towers, Ground Zero, was turned into a memorial.
On this Parallel Worldline, they rebuilt the WTC Complex in lower Manhattan. The One World Trade Center is the main building, otherwise known as the Freedom Tower.
The Freedom Tower
How many WTC buildings were lost on 9/11?
In my world, a total of 3 buildings were lost that day, i.e., the Twin Towers and Building 7. (Although Building 7 was a controlled demolition.)
Whereas on this Timeline, a total of 7 WTC buildings were lost, either on that day or afterwards. On 9/11 the Twin Towers and buildings 3 and 7 fell. Additionally, buildings 4, 5, 6 were so badly damaged that sometime later they were destroyed. This did not happen on my original Worldline.

June 4, 1989 at Tiananmen Square, China
Painting by Michael Mandiberg on flickr
Tank Man
On June 5, 1989, an unidentified defiant Chinese man was run over by a tank during protests near Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China. It was awful. Blood splattered in the street after the tank ran him down. People in China and around the globe were infuriated over the incident. Afterwards, everyone referred to the martyr as “Tank Man”.
I remember this well, because my step-sister had been teaching English in China for two years. When the protests happened, her mother contacted a friend, I believe a retired Colonel, who had her daughter flown home immediately.
However, on this Worldline, the tank did not run him over. His identity and fate after the incident were never substantiated or confirmed by the Chinese government although many rumors abound. This is another major M.E., fortunately, a good one if he suffered no major repercussions for his actions.
The painting of Tank Man above is a true depiction of the original photo. It comes from Michael Mandiberg on flickr, entitled, "Tiananmen Square: Do you exclusively paint Thomas Kinkade paintings?"
I found morsels of Residue in an Opinion column by Mike Royko published on July 7, 1989 in the Spokesman-Review (from the Chicago Tribune) entitled, "Come on, George—you can't be chummy with a mass murderer". Within the article, there are two indirect remarks made about the incident which I have cropped and posted below. You can view the article on Page B6 in the newspaper archives.
Here are the excerpts for easier reading (bold emphasis mine): "At the time, I thought that maybe Deng had mellowed in his old age, that he no longer was as mean and ruthless as in the days when he had been one of Mao Tse-tung's right-hand guys and they had caused the death of millions. But it turns out that Deng hasn't changed; his approach remains the same. When in doubt, run them over with tanks." And..."True, Horton is a murderer, but not on the grand scale of Deng Xiaoping. Even if Horton had a tank and wanted to run over defenseless students, he probably wouldn't know how to drive it."
Clearly, this is Residue indicating Tank Man had been run over and killed. It happened on my orginal Timeline, but evidently not on this Worldline.

Excerpts: Indirect references to Tank Man by Mike Royko
in his Opinion column from the Chicago Tribune

CIA Map of Mongolia from 1996
Extinct Mongolia Exists Today
On my original Worldline, the country of Mongolia no longer existed. Decades earlier, it had been completely taken over by China. Many Mongolians fled and escaped to Russia and other places.
During the late 1990’s when I lived in Northern California, one of my sons became friends with a Mongolian family. They told him about their heritage, the destruction of their country, and how their ancestors ended up in America.
Nevertheless, today the country of Mongolia still exists in East Asia. It is located between northern Russia and southern China. It covers 603,909 square miles with a population of 3.3 million people.
I'm not the only who has this memory about Mongolia. Watch the video by another fellow below.

The History of Television
On my original Timeline, televisions weren't invented or sold on the market until the 1950's. My father bought one of the first televisions sold on the market, a black and white. Over the years, whenever the subject came up about the history of television, he would say, "I bought one of the first televisions ever sold. It had a mirror that reflected the picture." Here is a link to a TV from 1936 sold in Britain that is the same type of television.
I was born in the early 1950's. As a little girl in that decade, I watched "Chucko the Clown", "Engineer Bill", and "Captain Kangaroo" whose shows all debuted during that era. My family watched "I Love Lucy", "I Married Joan", and other TV Series that began in the 50's.
On this Timeline, to my shock, televisions were invented in the 1920's and sold to the public in the 1930's! In my World, color TV's weren't available until the late 50's. Whereas on this Worldline, color Television happened much earlier as explained in this History of Television article: "The ability of television systems to broadcast and receive color occurred relatively early in the evolution of electronic television. Patents for color television existed from the late nineteenth century, and John Baird regularly broadcast from a color television system in the thirties."
I have often thought about how TV has corrupted society, and now that I know television was invented on these Alternate Timelines twenty years earlier than on my original Timeline, that explains a lot to me. Because overall, societies in these Alternate Realities that I've shifted to are very negative and corrupted. I believe Television is the culprit.

Moon Walk
6 Manned Moon Landings
On my original Worldline, there was only one Manned Moon Landing on July 20, 1969, and many people believed it was a hoax (including me).
In this Alternate Reality, there were (supposedly) six (6) Manned Mooned Landings between 1969 and 1972, i.e., Apollo 11, Apollo 12, Apollo 14, Apollo 15, Apollo 16, Apollo 17.
EXCERPT FROM HISTORY LISTS: "On July 20, 1969, the lunar module of Apollo 11 became the first manned spacecraft to land safely on the Moon in the area named Mare Tranquillitatis, commonly known as the Sea of Tranquility. The module was manned by Commander Neil Armstrong and pilot Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin. Upon landing, Armstrong called Houston base and reported “The Eagle has landed”. A few hours later, Armstrong stepped onto the surface and reported “that’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”. Aldrin followed minutes later. After a stay of 21 hours and 36 minutes during which the astronauts took photographs, conducted experiments, and collected samples of rock and soil, they lifted off. The lunar module then docked with the orbiting command module that was piloted by Michael Collins. On July 24, the craft splashed down safely in the Pacific Ocean. The astronauts were recovered by the U.S.S. Hornet.
Was it a Hoax?
The reason I think the Moon Landing was a hoax is because on my Timeline there was only one (1) so-called Manned Moon Landing. Why didn't NASA go to the Moon again? IMO, because it didn't happen. I posted a video of Buzz Aldrin below. There is a clip from this video that has circulated claiming Aldrin said they didn't go to the Moon. It could be taken out of context, or not. He follows up with saying it was about "money", but I'm not fully convinced it wasn't a slip-up. Aldrin is old. There's other clips of him saying similar things. Even if I didn't see those clips, I still don't believe they went to the Moon. IMO, they made it up to beat the Russians. P.S. The "Stanley Kubrick Confession" is a fake. The actor's name is Tom.