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The Mandela Effect - Pt 2


Black Secret Service Cadillac tailgating JFK’s 6-seater limousine with two motorcycle cops riding on the left side in Dallas, TX. Not at all how I remember it. Wikimedia Commons

PART 2 - This page contains:
My First M.E. 
Discovering the M.E. Sept. 2016
Art Bell
Time Travel 
More on JFK
JFK Residue: Proof that the Real!
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff
Small Stuff: Movies
Portrait of Dorian Gray
Bridge Over the River Kwai
TV Series
The Postman: Starring Kevin Costner
BIG STUFF: Gorillas in the Mist
Celebrity Name Changes
Celebrities Dying More Than Once!
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Eva Gabor and Merv Griffin/Griffith

My First M.E.

My first M.E. happened with regards to the talk show host, Merv Griffin. On my original Worldline, his name was Merv Griffith. During the 1970’s, my then boyfriend worked as a cameraman for his show whenever it filmed in Las Vegas. That’s how I became very familiar with the celebrity’s name.


In the early 1990’s, I remember watching Eva Gabor speak of their relationship after his death during an interview on a talk show. To my surprise, a few years later, I saw Merv Griffin alive on TV. His name had changed, he hadn’t died, and he didn’t pass away until 2007. At the time, I brushed it off as I had no explanation for it.


I found Residue in a Google Search HERE using keywords: arthur schatz, 1960s, timelife, merv griffith. The information below is from a condensed print screen showing the description with the name “Merv Griffith Show” which references one of many pictures taken by photographer Arthur Schatz during the 1960’s. (Fair Use) The image shows Merv Griffith/Griffin with two of his guests from a live show.


This Residue is proof that my memories are not imaginary!


I took note of the changes regarding Merv Griffin between 1998-2001 while listening to the late Art Bell (1945-2018), famous radio talk show host on Coast to Coast AM. Periodically, Art and some of his callers spoke of remembering Nelson Mandela dying in prison during the 1980’s, but at that time, Mandela was alive and well.

(Fair Use)

Discovering the M.E.

In September 2016

There is a huge gap in years between my first M.E. with Merv Griffin and the countless other M.E.s that I began experiencing in 2009. I won’t get into why I believe that occurred, but I will say, I don’t believe the quantum changes with Griffin are related to the M.E.s that happened from 2009 onward. I believe they transpired for two entirely different reasons.


Therefore, when discussing the M.E. phenomenon, I will refer to the changes that I encountered beginning in 2009. That’s when my world really started to wobble, but it didn’t turn completely upside down until 2016 when I realized I had shifted to an Alternate Timeline.  


I was ten years old when President John F. Kennedy died. I remember the principal seating us students on the floor of the spacious entrance at my elementary school to watch the news of the president’s death on TV.


Throughout the decades, I researched the subject, keeping up with new discoveries, disclosures, revealing books, and conspiracy theories. Over the decades, I have seen the Zapruder film countless times on TV and Youtube.


On the evening of September 21, 2016, I watched the first of many videos on the JFK assassination related to the Mandela Effect posted by Esoteric Detective on Youtube. The supernatural changes blew me away, thrusting me into The Twilight Zone. My first thought, I’ve been transferred to a Parallel Universe!


I knew without a doubt that there had been four people in a 4-seater Lincoln Continental convertible. Namely, John F. Kennedy sitting on the right side in the back seat, and his wife, Jackie, who sat to his left. Directly ahead of JFK in the front sat Governor John Connally. The driver was the fourth person in the car.

As of September 2016, many details had changed. The car was now a stretched limousine with six passengers, two additional jump seats, and a metal bar in between the front and back seats.


Back in the late 1990's, my youngest Son's father and I were avid listeners of Art Bell and we both read many books on conspiracies. In 1998 while living in Northern California, on my Original Timeline, he anxiously told me about a theory that the driver turned and fired the fatal shot at JFK. He said there was film footage of it that had not been released to the public, but that footage was being shown to audiences at seminars held by a private individual. (We never learned who the man giving the seminars was, but perhaps it was Bill Cooper.) Point being, my Son's father and I had  lengthy discussions on JFK's assassination and that there were 4 people in the convertible when it happened.


Moving ahead to Present Day: The theory of the driver shooting JFK is impossible due to John Connally and his wife being seated between JFK and the driver. Instead, that theory has been replaced with an entirely different theory that Jackie shot JFK! I don't believe that, but the point is, on this Timeline, it's an entirely different conspiracy theory due to the changes in the event that I remember.


Incredibly, after I became aware of the Mandela Effect, I asked my Son's father how many people he remembered being in JFK's car when he was killed. He said there were 6 people, not 4! So then I realized that my Son's father on this Timeline is not the same man that I knew on my Original Worldline.


The video below is Residue! William "Bill" Cooper talks about the theory that the driver shot JFK. Although the footage added to the video shows 6 people in JFK's limo, it is not consistent with the theory. Bill's theory of the driver shooting JFK could only happen if there were 4 people in the car, not 6! So here we have Residue with his testimony. Bill must have remembered 4 people being in the convertible for his theory to be true. Unfortunately, he died in 2001, so he's not around to verify.


These videos are particularly interesting to me,

because M.E. changes for me started happening in 2009! I've read other articles about the LHC being powered up in 2009 causing problems.

Art Bell remembers Nelson Mandela dying in prison (1:32 minutes)
Image courtesy "Aliens UFOs" on flicker


On April 16, 2001, famous Coast-to-Coast AM Radio Talk-Show Host, Art Bell, said he got around a thousand emails from people who remembered history differently “talking about time manipulation”. During the show, he and his caller(s) spoke of Nelson Mandela dying in prison.


On May 30 2003, during open lines, Art Bell said many people wrote to him with memories that Nelson Mandela had died (in prison). “And that’s what I remember. But of course, that’s not what occurred. Nelson Mandela, as we all know, was freed.”


Every time I heard Art and his callers speak of Mandela dying in prison, I recalled my memories of Merv Griffith. Nevertheless, I didn’t give it much thought and soon forgot about it until September 2016.

Do you believe in Time Travel?

Time Travel

Most people are baffled, dismayed, or extremely overwrought when they become aware of the Mandela Effect. That did not happen to me. When I first discovered the phenomenon in September 2016, I knew I had shifted to a Parallel Universe. Let me explain why I knew.


In 2004, occasionally I researched claims of time travel due to my young son’s interest in the subject. When I stumbled onto postings by a legendary self-proclaimed Time Traveler, I spent several months researching the matter, with periodic follow-ups spanning many years. Through my findings, I learned about Parallel Universes, Multiple Worldlines, which included details from a few people who claimed to have experienced changes in their Reality, which they called “altervues” resulting from an experiment done by the Time Traveler. I will not get into the details as it is a very controversial subject. The point is, due to my research, I became familiar with indications of shifting Realities, Parallel Universes. In September 2016, when I discovered the M.E., I knew immediately that I had shifted to an Alternate Universe.


As far as me believing in time travel, I had a personal experience in 1996 when I took an 85-minute train ride that lasted 10-15 minutes. It occurred supernaturally, without the assistance of any time travel device, which I attributed as a miracle from God. I recounted the details in Chapter 3 of my book entitled, My Ghostly Lover: A True Story (2021).

More on JFK

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A frame from the Zapruder film,
not from the  vantage point that I remember. (Fair Use)

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Zapruder film: A Sign blocks the view and the white tabs on the film, not how I remember it! (Fair Use)

On my original Worldline, the Zapruder footage was filmed in black and white. Now it’s in color. The vantage point has also changed. Previously, the film had been taken from a place on the grass in front of the former Texas School Book Depository where nothing blocked the view of JFK’s 4-seater convertible. The car and all persons in it could be seen when he was shot. WATCH it in slow motion here!


Now, in some parts of the footage, a sign in front of the camera blocks the view of the limousine. Shortly after that, the camera pans upward, cutting off the lower half of the limousine from view. There are also two large white tabs on the left side of the film that weren’t there before.


All of the changes in the JFK assassination sent me down the Rabbit Hole like Alice in Wonderland, but it didn’t end there. In July 2019, the JFK travesty changed again! On my original Worldline, and also after discovering the first set of M.E. changes, one thing remained the same. Trailing at some distance directly behind JFK’s car were two motorcycle cops followed by the Secret Service 1956 black Cadillac also known as the Queen Mary II.


​When I viewed the Zapruder film in July 2019 that was no longer the case. The Secret Service Cadillac now tailgates JFK’s limousine, and the two motorcycle cops that had once been some distance directly behind the Lincoln Continental are now riding on the left side of the Cadillac that is tailgating. There’s more.

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Secret Service Agent comes to Jackie’s aid before she tries to climb out of the limousine. Compare with the b/w UPI reenactment photo. (Fair Use)

On my original Timeline, after JFK was shot, Jackie tried to climb out the back of the car onto the trunk first. As she did so, a Secret Service agent came running to her aid, climbing onto the bumper and the trunk of the car to make her go back into her seat.


However, with the second set of changes in July 2019, the agent comes running first and tries to climb onto the bumper of the car. Only then does Jackie attempt to climb out the vehicle. The image above is from the Zapruder film showing how it is now, with the Secret Service agent attempting to climb onto the car first while Jackie is still seated.

Here is another video of William "Bill" Cooper that is RESIDUE! Bill is talking about the theory that the driver of the 4-seater car turned around and shot JFK. This was a theory on my Original Worldline, but it could not have happened on this Timeline, because there were 2 extra people in the car between the driver and JFK. 

JFK Residue: Proof that the M.E. is Real!

There is compelling Residue that supports the memories of myself and many others regarding the JFK assassination.


From a reenactment movie filmed in Dallas, Texas in 1977, there is a UPI photo portraying the action as well as the positions of Jackie, the Secret Service agent running after her, the two motorcycle cops, and the black Cadillac following, just exactly as I remember. The black and white photo of that scene posted on, entitled, “John F. Kennedy Assassination Reenactment in Houston, TX”, shows Jackie climbing onto the trunk of the car with Secret Service agent Clinton Hill running down the street towards her, not yet reaching the car. The two motorcycle Cops trail at quite a distance behind JFK’s car and further behind them follows the Secret Service black Cadillac. In the TV movie, the Cadillac is not tailgating JFK’s car as it is in the Zapruder film and other films of the real event on this Timeline.


This UPI photo is considered RESIDUE! Click on the Green LINK below to see it! Now compare that re-enactment photo to the Zapruder frames posted here. They are entirely different! This Residue is proof that my memories are real. (The image below is a Sketch of that photo.)

Photo JFK Dark MANDELA EFFECT  Reinactment.jpg

Click on the Green Link further above to see the

actual photo. The photo is RESIDUE!


A Replica: 1963 Lincoln Continental at Historic Auto Attractions Museum in Roscoe, IL (Image courtesy of History Auto Attractions)

Even more compelling Residue are museums and individuals displaying replicas of the 4-seater Lincoln convertible. One is at the History Auto Attractions Museum in Roscoe, Illinois. It is a 1963 Lincoln Continental, a replica of the car I remember JFK riding in.

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Replica of JFK’s 4-seater Lincoln at Dahl Auto Museum in La Crosse, WI’”

Photo of ‘JFK Lincoln’ by Jerry Huddleston on flickr taken Oct. 19, 2012

Dahl Auto Museum in La Crosse, Wisconsin also displays a 4-seater convertible. The owner of the photo above captions it with “63 Lincoln Continental Convertible. This is the model John F. Kennedy rode in when he was assassinated in Dallas, TX on 11/22/63.”


Little Things Travel blog shows the photo of a replica 4-seater Lincoln in an article entitled, “Journey Through Time: Dallas in 1963” posted March 4, 2015. (Image available online HERE.)

JFK Exhibit 3: Reconstruction Film

In the National Archives and Records Administration, a Secret Service “JFK EXHIBIT 3: RECONSTRUCTION FILM” shows a 4-seater convertible with four people in the car.


These are just a few examples of Residue, but there’s plenty more, including old newspaper articles mentioning the 4-seater convertible with John Connally sitting in the front passenger’s seat.

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RIP David Dees: His Illustration of JFK’s 4-seater Lincoln

The late David Dees (1957-2020), a great graphic illustrator, created this satirical image of JFK’s car depicted as a 4-seater. I don’t know the year that he published it, but I found it posted as far back as 2009. David's Obituary can be found HERE.

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Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

Movies: Small Stuff


Most of the videos I see on the Mandela Effect focus on changes in movies, advertisements, consumer products, etc., what I call, the small stuff. There are countless changes in movies and TV, too many to list, but here are some examples that stand out to me. (Click on the underlined links to see videos of the M.E. changes. Some of the videos will include Residue!)


In Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937), the queen’s famous line, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?” has changed to “Magic mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest one of all?”, but on this Worldline, it’s always been that way.


In The Wizard of Oz (1939), which I’ve seen countless times since my childhood, Scarecrow never had a gun as he marched down the Yellow Brick Road with his companions, but he does now. The Wicked Witch of the West always yelled, “Fly my pretties, fly!” out the castle window when she sent her flying monkeys to snatch Dorothy and her friends. Now she hollers, “Fly, fly, fly!”


A NEW MANDELA EFFECT: As I went to find a video on the Wizard of Oz, I just discovered it has changed again! The Wicked Witch now says, "Fly, fly!" only twice, not three times. So this is a recent M.E.


My children and I watched Steven Spielberg’s E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) countless times after its release. The famous line was always “E.T. phone home”, not as it is now, with the alien creature saying, “E.T. home phone”.


Interview with a Vampire (1994) is now titled, Interview with the Vampire. The “a” has been replaced with “the”.


In my world, Forrest Gump (1994), was spelled “Forest Gump”. His famous line, “Life is like a box of chocolates,” has changed to, “Life was like a box of chocolates”, which no longer seems to fit the scene. Residue showing the scene as those of us Mandela Effected remember it can be seen HERE!


I own the DVDs of those movies that have changed, but I remember how things used to be on my original Timeline.


On this Worldline, Sinbad never made a movie called Shazaam where he played a genie, even though my children and I saw it years ago. A close family member also remembers the film that she and her kids watched.


I recall Tom Cruise wearing sunglasses when he slid out in his undies and a shirt for a dance scene in Risky Business (1983), but he doesn’t wear a pair now.


In Field of Dreams (1989), starring Kevin Costner, a farmer hears a voice in his head saying, “If you build it, they will come,” meaning, if he builds a baseball field, people will come. Now that well-known line has changed to, “If you build it, he will come,” referring to his deceased father. It changes the meaning entirely.


I know C3PO’s body was entirely gold colored, not having a silver leg as he does now, because I bought several of the toy characters for my sons, who loved Star Wars movies and collected the figurines when they were growing up.  Residue can be seen HERE!


In the 1979 James Bond movie, Moonraker, Dolly (played by actress Blanche Ravalec) had braces on her teeth, which is why she and the assassin named “Jaws” (played by Richard Kiel) were instantly attracted to one another as he had a mouth full of stainless-steel teeth. Today in that scene, due to the M.E., Dolly no longer wears braces, which is ridiculous, because that was the main attraction between the couple in the movie. It’s a nonsensical Mandela Effect as many of them are.

Portrait or Picture of Dorian Gray or Grey?

Oscar Wilde’s Novel

The Portrait of Dorian Grey is a classic novel that I have known about most of my life. Several movies and plays have been based on Oscar Wilde’s novel since its first publishing in 1890 in Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine. However, on this Timeline, it’s called, The Picture of Dorian Gray. Regarding the spelling of Grey to Gray, there are others who remember it as I do.

However, the bigger change that doesn’t make sense is that it’s about a painted portrait not a picture. In the 19th Century, an author surely would have referred to a painting as a portrait. Back then, I would think a picture implied a photograph since photography was introduced to the world in 1839.


I found a treasure! In a Critic’s Review in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on November 10, 1987 for the musical adaptation “Portrait”, Christopher Rawson refers to Oscar Wilde’s novel as “The Portrait of Dorian Gray”. So, there you have it, folks!

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Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Nov 10-1987, Pg 17 Portrait Dorian Gray CLOSEUP300(1).jpg
“The Portrait of Dorian Gray”

RESIDUE: Oscar Wilde’s novel, ‘The Portrait of Dorian Gray’”

(Copyright ©, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 2021, All Rights Reserved. Permission to use.)

The FlinTsTones or FlinsTones?

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M.E.s that Flip-Flop

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After discovering changes in the JFK assassination, I dove full-swing into researching the supernatural phenomenon to see what other changes had occurred that I recognized. Youtube had countless videos posted by others experiencing the M.E.


That’s when I found The FlinTsTones had changed to The FlinsTones. The change didn’t even make sense, because Cavemen used flints to make fires, hence the name Flint-stones.


During my childhood, my family and I watched the animated series every week since its inception in 1960. When I heard the name had changed, I found my Yabba Dabba 2-pack DVD set to check for myself. There on the cover it said, “The FlinsTones”. The first “T” had disappeared!


About six months later, I heard the news in a Youtube video that the name had flip-flopped and turned back to “FlinTsTones”. Once again, I checked my DVD, and sure enough, it had changed back.


This M.E. caused a lot of confusion between 2016-2017. I’m not the only one who noticed the flip-flop. It seems many people who remembered “FlinTsTones” were Mandela Effected when it changed to “FlinsTones”, and when it changed back to “FlinTsTones” another group who remembered it as “FlinsTones” were Mandela Effected. This quantum change, in essence, shows that we are dealing with two or more Alternate Universes that have been corrupted.


If you web search “FlinsTones, FlinTsTones, Mandela Effect”, you will find several videos, discussions, and blogs on the flip-flops.


In the Boca Raton News (Delray Beach News) archive from November 6, 2005, an article headlines “Flinstones generations forever scorned by wrath of Wilma” by Bill Gralnick. Yet, within the story it says “Flintstones”. To view the article, CLICK ME or click on the image below and scroll through to Page 16. Could it just be an error in spelling? Perhaps.

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In the June 22, 1978 archives of The Virgin Islands Daily News (The Daily News), the cartoon on Page 18 is spelled “FLINSTONES” by “BLACK LIGHT, INC.” You can view the original comic at this LINK or CLICK on the image below. Slide through to reach Page 18. The “Flinstones” comic is 2nd from the top. 


Are these spelling errors or Residue caused by shifting Timelines? We will never know, but one thing I know for sure is the FlinTsTone/FlinsTone title on my DVD changed twice!

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VHS cover for ‘The Bridge
on the River Kwai’

Bridge Over the River Kwai vs The Bridge On the River Kwai


My father was an avid collector of military memorabilia who served in the Air Force during the Korean War. He loved watching classic war movies, including Bridge Over the River Kwai (1957) starring William Holden, Alec Guinness, and Jack Hawkins. In those days, we only had one TV, so growing up and as an adult, I saw the film numerous times.


On this Worldline, the title has changed to The Bridge on the River Kwai. This is another Quantum Effect that doesn’t make any sense. The bridge isn’t “on” the river, it’s “over” the river. 

The film is based on the 1952 novel written by Pierre Boulle (1912-1994) entitled, The Bridge Over the River Kwai, so why did the movie title change but not the book? The images below are from the 1964 reprinting of the novel. The back cover advertises the movie, “The Bridge on the River Kwai”. 

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Front and Back Covers of ‘The Bridge Over the River Kwai’ novel
(Used with permission of Penguin Random House)
There is residual evidence supporting the memories of myself and others who remember it differently. I found a Review for Boulle’s novel in The Victoria Advocate newspaper published on November 20, 1960, entitled, “New Monument Forged of Irony” by James T. Carter referring to the motion picture as “The Bridge Over the River Kwai”, which you can see in the image below. (One year ago, when I did the research for this M.E., I found videos showing Residue, however, at this time, they have all disappeared.) Even so, there is an added "The"" on the title, which was not the case on my Timeline, indicating at least 3 versions of the title of the movie. Hence, another indication that we are dealing with at least 3 different Timelines, but I know there are many more involved.
“Lucy, you got some ‘splainin’ to do!”

TV Series

Many TV programs have changed as well, but there is still Residue to be found. Ricky Ricardo no longer said the famous line to his wife, “Lucy, you got some ‘splainin’ to do,” in the I Love Lucy series that I watched for years growing up.


On this Timeline, William Shatner as Captain Kirk never said, “Beam me up, Scotty!” Nevertheless, I watched the Star Trek series every week from the time that it aired on television, and I heard him say it countless times.


As a small child, one of my all-time favorite TV shows was The Lone Ranger starring John Hart (1917-2009). To my surprise, his famous line, “Hi-Ho Silver!” has always been “Hi-Yo Silver!” on this Timeline.

I remember Mr. Rogers singing, “It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood”, because one of my kids watched the program daily. On this Worldline, the lyrics have always been, “It’s a beautiful day in this neighborhood”.


Even though I didn’t watch the series, Sex in the City, I saw plenty of advertisements for it. Now it’s titled, Sex and the City.


All of The Addams Family movies and TV series were spelled “The Adams Family” with one “d”, not with two as it is now. I watched the black and white series for years, and I have the movies on DVD. My memory is clear on the spelling of the name from my Worldline.

The Postman: Starring Kevin Costner

On my original Timeline, in the movie The Postman (1997) starring Kevin Costner, the opening scene began in a post-apocalyptic world with Costner taking shelter in an old U.S. Postal jeep. He takes the uniform off of a corpse and impersonates a Postman to con his way into villages for food. I own the DVD but hadn’t watched it since around 2013 until December 2020. That’s when I discovered major changes in the movie.


The actress, Olivia Williams, played the part of Abbey, but in the version that I remember, her role was somewhat minor.


The main focus of the movie was about Costner posing as a Postman, which led the way for others to join in delivering mail, resurrecting the U.S. Postal Service that had since become extinct. Eventually, the Postal workers are confronted by a violent army of renegades who try to stop them from their mission.   


On this Worldline, I watched it again in December 2020. I was shocked to discover, the movie begins entirely different with Costner walking across a barren landscape accompanied by his pet mule. He and the mule perform Shakespeare before an audience in a town. In another scene, Costner brushes the mule’s teeth. There are also scenes about a man-eating lion. Costner is soon captured by the band of violent renegades, white supremacists who hold him captive. They beat him, force him into their murderous Army, brand his arm with an “8”, and eat his mule. A lot of racism is depicted in this movie.


However, on my Timeline, none of those scenes were included. There were no white supremacists, and racism wasn’t an issue in the version on my Worldline.


While making his escape from the evil army, Costner stumbles onto the U.S. Postal jeep. At that point, the movie continues as I remember it, but then it takes more twists and turns that are different from my original Timeline.


The movie turns into a love story between the Postman and Abbey. Costner is shot by the renegades. Abbey drags him on a make-shift cot through the winter snow to a deserted cabin where she nurses him back to health. After his recovery, they get intimate, and she becomes pregnant.


Many other events follow. In the end, Abbey and the Postman find their way to a safe haven where they have their baby and live a peaceful life. None of that happened in the version of the movie on my Worldline. Basically, the entire movie was different.


I have noticed major differences in society on this Timeline. Racism is manufactured here with a special emphasis in movies and the media causing division in society, whereas this was neither a problem nor an issue of focus on my original Worldline.


If you visit Amazon where The Postman movie is sold, just above the Product Details it says “Editorial Reviews” from 2013. The Review describes the movie just as I remember. It says: "2013, Post-Apocalyptic America. An unnamed wanderer retrieves a Postman's uniform and undelivered bag of mail. He decides to pose as a postman and deliver the mail to a nearby town, bluffing that the United States government has been reinstated and tricking the town into feeding him. However, he reluctantly becomes a symbol of hope to the townspeople there who begin to remember the world that once was and giving them the courage to stand up to a tyrannical warlord and his army."


There is no mention of a mule, white supremacists, Abbey, or of it being a love story. The 2013 Editorial Review is considered Residue. 


On the other hand, details in a 2-Star Customer Review posted on June 2, 2000 refer to Costner doing Shakespeare, which only happened in the movie version on this Timeline, not on mine. So again, we have a merging of conflicting information between my original Worldline and this one.



"Gorillas in the Mist" starring Sigourney Weaver
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Jane Goodall
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Dian Fossey

As a researcher, any time I watch a movie that is based on a true story, I always look up the details out of curiosity. I want to know how much of it is true and what the actual facts are. Gorillas in the Mist starring Sigourney Weaver debuted in 1988 before I had a computer. Ten years later, through researching, I learned that it was based on the life and death of Jane Goodall who studied gorillas and died at the hands of poachers.


However, during my research on the M.E., I discovered on this Worldline, Jane Goodall is the world’s foremost expert on chimpanzees, not gorillas. As of January 2023, she is still alive. The life of the woman portrayed in Gorillas in the Mist is now about Dian Fossey who was killed by poachers. Before discovering the M.E. changes to Gorillas in the Mist, I had never heard of Dian Fossey. I’m not the only one who remembers Jane Goodall as the gorilla expert.


CLICK ME to view a compilation video of residual evidence for Jane Goodall by Hazel Fiver on Youtube.

Celebrity Name Changes

Christopher Reeve(s)

The spelling of many names of celebrities has changed due to the Quantum Effect. I remember when Christopher Reeve (1952–2004) was Christopher Reeves with an “s”. His name is not being confused with actor George Reeves who starred in Adventures of Superman TV Series (1952-1958). Residual evidence for Christopher Reeves can be seen on a blog at this LINK.


“Christopher Reeves” is mentioned in an article in the Spokane Daily Chronicle under the headline, “Rory Calhoun got into films on his good looks, not talent” by Vernon Scott (1923–2002), a UPI Hollywood Reporter, published on November 3, 1980 on Page 34. In the second to last paragraph, Scott quotes actor Rory Calhoun, who said, “And I must say, being a good-looking guy with this younger generation isn’t the 100 percent drawback it was 10 or 15 years ago. Christopher Reeves, Burt Reynolds and Warren Beatty are all handsome men.” Scott refers to Christopher’s surname with an “s” just as I remember it. You can view the article HERE.


In a “Morsels of gossip” column published on November 17, 1977 in The Blade, Peach Section, Earl Wilson remarks, “‘Superman’ star Christopher Reeves will star in a remake of the old collegiate yarn, ‘Stover at Yale’”. You can view the article HERE.


The most compelling Residue is from a Superman outfit purchased by the TV series, Pawn Stars, where the label says "CHRISTOPHER REEVES". The video and image below show the evidence. (I have enhanced the contrast on the image to make his name more visible.)

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Superman Label Christopher Reeves.jpg
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The Argus-Press Nov 23, 1984
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Sally Field(s)

In a newspaper archive on Page 7 of The Argus-Press, dated Nov 23, 1984 (listed as November 24, 1984), in making the movie scene by Joe Peacock, under Places in the Heart (1984), Sally Fields is mentioned with an "s". (Scroll down on the newspaper archives page to see it.)


In another archive for the Daytona Beach Morning Journal, Page 3A on December 25, 1981, headlined, "House Speaker Haben Plays Gangster In Movie", Sally Fields is spelled with an "s". 

Daytona Beach Morning Journal Dec 25-1981 Sally Fields CROPPED300.jpg

There is an even bigger M.E. related to Sally. For me, her acceptance speech at the Academy Awards for Best Actress in 1985 has changed from "You like me. You really, really like me!" to "You like me. Right now, you like me."


There is Residue from an interview where Sally repeats what she said in her acceptance speech, "You like me, you really like me", that you can view below from the Mandela Effect Proof blogspot. 


Evidently, no one told Saturday Night Live or Sally Field(s) what she said on this Worldline. Hazel Fiver presents residual evidence that aligns with my memories in a Youtube video below entitlted "Sally Fields - He Likes Me, He Really Really Likes Me". 


Rod Serling vs
Rod Sterling

Rod Sterling/Serling, writer and
host of The Twilight Zone

Growing up, my mother collected Sterling silver antiques. She taught her children how to recognize the precious metal as opposed to silver-plated items. Periodically, she recruited us to polish her silver collection as they tarnished over time.


Ever since the late 1950’s, my family had a black and white television. During the early 1960’s, we watched episodes of The Twilight Zone regularly, written and hosted by “Rod Sterling”. The TV series ran for five seasons on CBS, from 1959 to 1964. Rod’s surname always stuck out in my mind, because of my familiarity with Sterling silver.


To my surprise, Rod’s last name suddenly changed to “Serling” due to the Mandela Effect, but I can attest that it had always been spelled as “Sterling” on my original Timeline. There is plenty of residue out there. Here are a few examples.


You will find Rod Sterling in item number 4 in this October 6, 2017 article entitled, “8 spooky facts about ‘One Step Beyond’”

Rod Sterling Article.jpg

In the book summary for Hollywood vs. The Aliens: The Motion Picture Industry's Participation in UFO Disinformation by Bruce Rus published on January 9, 1998, you will see Rod Sterling spelled with a “t”. (Excerpt below.)

Rod Sterling Amazon.jpg

On a blog entitled, “Five Scary Short Stories Your Middle Schoolers Will Love” posted on October 6, 2020, item No. 2 mentions “The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street” a story by Rod Sterling.

Rod Sterling Monsters 4.jpg

Do you remember Rod Sterling saying at the beginning of each Twilight Zone episode, “Imagine if you will…” Guess what? He never said it! Not even once on this Timeline.

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Celebrities Dying More Than Once!

Rip Torn

According to news reports that I read, the actor Rip Torn died twice. I don’t remember the date of the first time the media announced his death, but the second time he died on July 9, 2019. I’ve spoken with a few others in the M.E. community who also remember this. I’ve heard of many other famous people who reportedly died more than once due to the M.E., but I’m only including the one that I personally noticed.


Deaths aren’t the only occurrences that happen twice. On January 13, 2020, Cory Booker, a Democratic Candidate running for the presidency, dropped out of the race for the second time. It had been announced and reported several weeks earlier, but that was another M.E. The second time, when Owen Shroyer reported it on Infowars news broadcast, he mentioned that it was another “Mandela Effect”, so he noticed it too.

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