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The Mandela Effect - Pt 5

Twilight Zone WELCOME TO MY WORLD More GIF.gif

PART 5- This page contains:
Personal Real-Time M.E.s
People Changed: 
  Lost Relationships
My Theory on Negative   

  Alternate Timelines

Examples of Demon 

   Possession on this Timeline
Others who say People    

The Rent Drop Box

The Exterminator
5G Tower at WinCo
The Disappearing Dandelion
Disappearing Items

Personal Real-Time Mandela Effects

People Changed: Lost Relationships!

For me, the most difficult part about the Mandela Effect is when people changed. That may sound crazy but not when you consider what’s happening. Actually, it’s not those around us who have changed, but we have changed.


Those of us experiencing the Quantum Effect have been transferred to Alternate Realities. Therefore, the people that we encounter in these other realities, be it family, friends, spouses, relatives, business associates, etc., are not necessarily the same people that we knew on our original Timelines. If they have the same personality, we don’t notice any difference. However, if their personality is drastically different from the version that we knew on your original Timeline, this could and often does present major problems, especially if the changes are negative. (Many times, their memories of some past events are different from their alternate versions.)


I have personally had to deal with this happening to me on numerous occasions. There are 10 people in my life who changed dramatically from the people I once knew. Three of them changed for the better, seven changed for the worse.


Two of them changed back to the personalities of the persons that I once knew. One of them changed back after three years, the other changed back after two years.


One person, a woman, looked 10 years younger than the version of her that I knew on my original Worldline. I hardly recognized her when we ran into each other in a supermarket. Her personality had changed for the better. The woman I knew previously had been very bitter, but this alternate version of her had no bitterness. When I got home, I pulled up a photo of her that had been taken three years earlier. The woman in the photograph looked at least 10 years older. I was surprised that the photo hadn’t changed. It would be classified as Residue.


A man that I know changed overnight in October 2018, so negatively that after several months, I broke off our friendship. Then two years later, when I needed to contact him about a matter, he had changed back to his friendly self.


These changes aren’t mood swings, personality disorders, or related to drugs. When a person looks the same, but their entire personality changes and their memories change, it becomes quite noticeable to one experiencing the Mandela Effect.


I had a close female friend who experienced shifts in her reality due to the M.E. We discussed the quantum phenomenon often at great length. She had concerns that one day she and I would shift to different Worldlines. We knew a lot about each other. She assured me that we would always be friends, no matter what. Periodically, she asked me via email if it was still me.


Then one day it happened. One of us shifted, and I encountered another version of her. Her personality, background, and history with her parents changed entirely. Her attitude changed to the negative. When I asked her about it, she refused to answer and our friendship ended. 


Someone I dealt with in business who had a great personality changed completely. He was noted for a slogan that he used often. In business, his prices were extremely affordable, and his company had excellent reviews, which is why I employed him periodically for some work that I needed done.


I hadn’t spoken to him in about two years. When I needed to hire him again for some work, I noticed he no longer used the slogan. His prices had nearly doubled from what they had been previously. He ran his business entirely different through a middle person. When I looked up Reviews for his business, they were all very negative. I realized that he wasn’t the same guy that I had known. He had changed due to the M.E.


I had similar situations happen with some loved ones. I won’t go into much detail, except to say their alternate versions were not the same at all. They changed overnight from loving me to not even liking me. Their attitude and some of their memories were entirely different from their alternate selves. This had a disastrous impact on my relationships with those people due to their indifference towards me.   


When I first discovered the M.E., I joined some online groups on social media. There I met others who encountered very similar situations with their loved ones due to shifting Realities. One woman had a son that loved and adored her. They were very close. When she shifted, he changed to a very disrespectful, negative person overnight. He avoided her, and eventually estranged himself to the point of cutting off all ties and moving away. I know exactly how she felt, because the exact same thing happened to me. 


The most difficult part about losing a loved one due to the M.E. is that you can't discuss it with anyone in real time, because they don't believe it. You don't get to have a funeral or memorial service, you don't get to mourn the loss of them openly, even though it's as devastating as if they had died. So you have to pretend as if nothing happened to your loved one while a person who looks exactly like them roams this earth while having nothing to do with you. It's a Secret Life that we live, those of us who are Mandela Effected, and many times it's very torturous.


I often wonder where my loved ones are that I lost when I first shifted. Are they on a another Worldline, and if so, what is my alternate self like? Are they encountering a negative version of me? What was the alternate me like who occupied this body before I got here? I don’t know. If my loved ones are on a Parallel Timeline, are they aware of it? When I consider that my original Worldline might have been destroyed, I wonder if they are even alive. I wish I knew. I won’t know the answers until I get to Heaven. I dearly miss those who were lost to me.

My Theory about
Negative Alternate Timelines

In the video above, a Mandela Effected woman, Gaia, talks about how negative people are in this World. I have had discussions with many people in the M.E. Community and most of them agree that a large number of people on these Alternate Timelines are very negative. 


I have a theory about that. Those of us who were transferred here came from Positive Timelines, but I believe that in the same way opposite poles in Magnets are attracted to one other, we were pulled into these Negative Timelines for the same type of reason! Overall, society on this Worldine is extremely negative, and people are crazy! There seems to be an epidemic of demon-possession. I'm not exaggerating at all. It's damn scary, and if I wasn't seeing it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it!

Examples of Demon Possession on this Timeline!

There's a LOT of evil, uncontrollable behavior, violent crimes, theft, absolute stupidity, and over-the-top manufactured racism! Sexual perversion is off the charts! Don't even get me started on corruption in the government. This is an Upside-Down World of Idiocracy where evil is good and good is evil. God help us!


In these End Times, I have often thought about how TV, "Television Programming" (which programs the brain) has influenced society. After I discovered television was invented on these Alternate Timelines, twenty years earlier than on my original Timeline, I believe that is the root core of this evil. It is my opinion that societies in these Alternate Realities that I've shifted to became negative and corrupted due to Television Programming (i.e., movies, talk shows, commercials, etc.), the Devil's tool.

Others who say People Changed

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The Rent Drop Box suddenly appeared after 8 ½ years

The Rent Drop Box

I’ve lived in the same community for many years. Each month when I paid rent, I gave my check to the manager in her office at the Clubhouse. Around April 2020, my manager said there’s a Rent Drop-box on the door outside where I could put my rent check. “I’ve never seen it. Where is it?” I asked.


“On that door,” she replied, pointing down the hallway that led to the Exit door on the Clubhouse.


“Hmm.” Her statement puzzled me as I had never seen one there before. I went outside and looked at the Exit door, but there was no Rent drop-box. In fact, there was nothing on that door except the door handle. Confused, I came back into the Clubhouse. “I can’t find it,” I said to my manager.


“It’s right on that door!” she replied, again pointing to the hallway Exit door.


When I went outside again, I noticed the second door which exited from the Entertainment Room had a metal slot with a label that read “Collection Box”, so I figured that must be what my manager was referring to. For the next ten months when the rent came due, I put my check in the slot on the Entertainment Exit door.


Then on February 3, 2021 when I went to drop off my rent, just as I was about to deposit my check in the “Collection Box” slot on the Entertainment Exit door, another tenant walked up behind me and said, “The rent goes over here!”


I turned and looked where she pointed. What the…?!!! The Exit door that led from the hallway now had a Rent-Drop slot and a sign above with arrows pointing to it that said “Rent Drop, No Cash Accepted”.


My head started spinning. That door never had a drop slot or a “Rent Drop” sign before, but now it did!


Two days later, I went inside the Clubhouse and asked my manager how long the Rent Drop box and sign had been on that particular door.


“Always,” she replied.


“It’s a Mandela Effect!” I announced. Months earlier, I had briefly described the quantum phenomenon to her, but I hadn’t expected her to believe me.


I immediately exited the Clubhouse through the hallway door with the newly discovered Rent Drop box to examine it further. That’s when I noticed another change. Previously from the outside, the Exit door had always opened on the right side, but now it opened on the left side. I noticed the same for the Entertainment Exit door.


On February 5th, I took dated photos of both Exit doors showing the changes. Afterwards, I spoke to my manager about it. “Do you remember when you first told me about the Rent Drop box on that Exit door? I went outside, but then I came back in and told you I couldn’t find it?”

“Yes, I remember,” she answered.


“There was nothing on that door. And from inside the building, it opened from the left side, but now it opens on the right side,” I exclaimed.


I asked my manager if she had collected my past rent checks from the Collection Box on the Entertainment Exit door where I had deposited them. She told me, her assistant who used to work for her had collected the checks, so she didn’t know.  


To my astonishment, my manager told me more. “Over the past few months, four other tenants came to me asking how long the Rent Drop box has been there. Finally, I called Corporate and asked my boss about it. She said it’s been there since the complex was first built. It was required to meet regulations.”


“I’m excited that this happened, because four other tenants asked you about it, so now you know I’m not crazy!” This Mandela Effect left me feeling awesome as it substantiated my claims, but it's really a head trip to see supernatural changes in real time! I live in the REAL Twilight Zone!


Depiction of how it looked before. The yellow arrow points to the Collection Box slot on the Entertainment Exit door where I put my rent. Originally, the outside of the doors opened on the right side as shown here, but now they open on the left side. (Photoshopped)

I photoshopped the image above to show how the doors looked before they changed. Previously from outside, the door handles were on the right side, but now they are on the left side. The Rent Drop slot and sign had never been on the 1st Exit door, located on the left in this photo. The yellow arrow is pointing to the Collection Box slot on the Entertainment Exit door where I put my rent check for about 10 months.

Real image of how it looks today. The door on the left now has a Rent drop slot and Rent-Drop sign. The doors now open from the left side, whereas before, they opened from the right side. (Original)

The dated photo above, taken on February 5, 2021, shows how it looks now after changing due to the Mandela Effect with the Rent Drop sign and slot on the first door on the left. Both door handles are now on the left side, whereas previously they had been on the right side.


This is a perfect example of what it’s like living in the real Twilight Zone!

A Visit from the Exterminator



Every year in the Spring, the exterminator comes twice a month and starts making his rounds at our complex.


Well, I hadn't seen an exterminator in months, not since summer of 2016. Then in April 2017, there was a knock at my door. It was a young man, the "Exterminator" he announced, so I opened the door.


When he saw me, he said, "Oh I was here before. I don't have to do it again."


I said, "No, you weren't here before."


He insisted that he had been. I asked when, and he said, "About three weeks ago." I replied, "No, I've been here the whole time. Are you sure?" He said, maybe a little longer than that, but he was positive that he had been here very recently.


After he completed his work, he left. He was a young guy, probably in his 30's, so he had a good memory. He was sure he'd been here before, but he had not.


I believe that was another Mandela Effect. I believe he met another version of me before I Shifted to whatever Reality I was on at the time. That's how it happens.


Weird things continue to happen to those of of who are M.E. affected. We live in the real-life TWILIGHT ZONE!

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WinCo Foods

5G Tower at WinCo

Sometimes I shop at WinCo Foods in Crowley, TX. I drive by there at least once a month and often shop there. In March 2020, as I drove by WinCo, I noticed a 5G tower right next to it that had never been there before. I was shocked when I saw it! 


Seeing the tower really upset me, because as a researcher, I’m aware of the controversial health risks posed by the radiation they emit. I decided to call WinCo to talk about it. Then I got busy and put off calling, but I intended to do so.


When the day came that I needed to buy groceries, I decided to shop at a different store to avoid the 5G Tower. On April 12, 2020, as I headed to Walmart, I passed by WinCo. To my shock, the 5G tower had disappeared. Instead of it being directly next to WinCo where I had seen it one month earlier, it now stood across the street on Sycamore School Road and down a ways, located a good distance from the store.


In the new location, there’s no way that I could have seen it from the vantage point where I had observed it the previous month. There’s no way someone moved it as takes a crane and several weeks to set one up. It’s another Quantum Effect. 

Part 1 of 2 about 5G Tower at WinCo

Oh no! It happened again!

On August 30, 2021, I went shopping at the same Winco in Crowley, TX. As I drove through the parking lot, I looked down Sycamore School Road to see the 5G tower, but it was GONE! When I turned around in the parking lot to scan the scenery, I noticed the 5G tower located around the corner on Crowley Road where it had never been before. This is another Mandela Effect! The shifting continues.

Part 2 about the 5G Tower at WinCo!

The Disappearing Dandelion

Every spring, I grow a garden in the area surrounding my patio. I sit in my patio chair and enjoy the warmth of the sun. I've been studying and growing plants and weeds that are eidble and medicinal. Dandelions are one of the best. Previously I would pull them up, but after I learned about their benefits, I let them grow. 


There was a very large Dandelion growing in the edge of the garden, located just a few feet from where I sit on my patio. Every day I took note of how hearty it looked. 


Then one day, it simply disappeared. It was gone without a trace! The dirt where it had been was completely undisturbed. 


My neighbor stopped by for a visit and I mentioned the missing Dandelion. She said the gardeners must have cut it down, but I told her that wasn't possible. The gardeners hadn't been there. If they had weed wacked it, there would have been some roots left. 


A couple of days later, the gardners came on their scheduled weekly day. To my dismay, while I was napping, one of them took a weedwacker to my garden. They chopped down all of my remaining Dandelions. 


Although I was upset, I felt this was a message from God, because every Dandelion that had been cut down, a large part of the roots and some leaves remained in the ground. That verified my claims that the missing Dandelion had NOT been cut down but in fact disappeared! This was definitely a Mandela Effect!

Disappearing Items

I’ve had items suddenly vanish without a trace. They were not misplaced. Sometimes they reappear hours or days later. Other times things disappear for good! It happened to me three times.


I had 4 soft cloths to wipe my eyeglasses. I used one and kept the other 3 in my desk drawer. Three were black and one was white. I kept the one I used in a 9-inch dish that sits on my coffee table. I also keep the remotes to the TV in that dish. 


One day, the black cloth disappeared from the dish. I live alone, so no one else had access to it. Whenever I used it, I always returned it to the dish when I finished. But it disappeared and was nowhere to be found. So, I took another black cloth out of my desk drawer and put it in the dish on the coffee table. A week or two later, it too disappeared! I looked everywhere, but could not find it. (Everything in my apartment has it's place, so there was really nowhere to look for it.)


The dish I put the cloths in is deep red, and it sits on a deep red throw that covers my glass coffee table. Basically, the black cloths were hard to see underneath the remotes. So after the 2nd cloth disappeared, I took the white cloth out of my desk drawer and put it in the red dish. It was very easy to see. I won't lose track of this one! I thought to myself. About one week later, it VANISHED! I couldn't believe it! 


With only one cloth left in my desk drawer, I decided to leave it there, because I knew if I put the cloth in the dish, it would disappear. I don't know how this happened or why my remotes never disappeared. All I can say is, it's another Mandela Effect! 


Items disappearing is another aspect of the Mandela Effect that many of us in the M.E. community experience. In the video below, Gaia talks about her husband's can of coffee that went missing. It just disappeared.


Also, her daughter's scar on her leg disappeared that had been there since childhood. This supports the theory that only our Souls are Shifting Realities that I wrote about in Part 1.

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