I'm not a Witch!

I just wanted to throw this in here, because on a rare occasion, there have been Holier-than-thou Christians who don't know me online, who accuse me of being a Witch merely because my username is "samstwitch"!
It stands for "Sams Twitch", so now I always capitalize the "T" to make that clear, although it doesn't always show up that way online.
One woman, who shall remain nameless, is a so-called Christian who specializes in M.E.s on Bible scripture. When I was watching her Live Stream, I typed something in the chat box. As soon as she saw my comment, she started rebuking me to her audience, accusing me of being un-Christian and saying my name stood for a Witch. I'm paraphrasing, because I can't recall exactly what she said.
She was extremely rude to me on her Live Video, making terrible accusations about me to her audience, none who knew me personally. She suffers from a Holier-than-thou complex!
I guess she missed the scripture, "JUDGE NOT, lest ye be judged" (Matthew 7:1), even though it has changed due to the Mandela Effect...but that's supposed to be her expertise. Somehow she missed that scripture, cause she certainly doesn't practice it! (Read 2 Timothy 3:1-5)
I am a Christian who follows the ways of Jesus Christ. (Many so-called "Christians" today don't do that.)
Anyway, this page is for those who accuse me of being a Witch! If I was one, this is what I would look like, but I'm not. Sorry to disappoint my accusers. (Not!)
SHAME on you! You know who you are!